Private 1:1 Coaching

Where your best self comes to life & creates the reality she’s done with seeing as just a pipe dream!

What is Private 1:1 Coaching?

My Private Coaching & Mentoring program is a 3-12 month experience with bi-weekly 45-60 minute Zoom calls (unless agreed otherwise) where we blend mindset and leadership with action-taking and well-being, all in an intimate, safe, and empowering environment.

This is for the woman with a bold vision for her life and business—she’s ready to live beyond the norm and experience life so good she can’t stop raving about it.

  • Well, let me tell you…

    In this space you don’t just get another copy-paste journal prompt, self-help book reading list, or strategy that fits the masses. Instead, this experience is fully tailored to you, who you are, your strengths and your goals.

    We will be diving deep into your subconscious beliefs that have you second-guessing whether “you’re really cut out for this business or career”, and we will debunk and shift them one by one, so you can leave your mark, stand out fiercely with your own magic and make this world a better place.

    I’ll always see the best in you and believe in you, which means I’ll also ask you those tough questions you might have been avoiding until now, but they’ll be the ones that break the glass ceiling. You get to be truly witnessed, challenged, and celebrated for all that you are, want to have and achieve (or fail at!).

Is this for me?

If you…

  1. Know you’ve got potential and want to make the most of it. But sometimes, Imposter Syndrome sneaks in and holds you back from taking the next step because you don’t feel “good enough” or showing your true self feels “too scary” because of “what others might think”

  2. Have clear goals and a vision for your life, and you know you're meant for more. But it feels like such a radical change that you’re struggling to see where to even start. That causes your brain to go into worst-case scenario thinking and survival mode, and the dream is quickly suppressed once again, though you just can’t help but keep on wondering about “what if…”

  3. Are committed and ready to do the work to make things happen. You know that you need to shift your mindset and daily actions to be fit for YOUR purpose in life and business. But even with all your effort and always doing what others tell you to, you feel like you’re not making the progress you really want.

  4. Want to feel confident and true to yourself in everything you do. You crave deep alignment, certainty, and trust in who you are and what you do. But it feels like you've hit a glass ceiling in your personal growth and you keep wondering what “it” is that is keeping you stuck and “why?”

    If any of this sounds a bit too familiar, I've got your back. My 1:1 coaching is all about helping you move past these hurdles, boost your confidence, and make big shifts happen, whether in how you lead through your life or the big (and small) goals you tick off of your list. Let’s team up and bring your holistic goals to life, one step at a time.

What will I get from this?

Private Coaching with me is the safest space for you to be fully yourself

We go together through the ups and downs towards those BIG-ASS visions, there are shared tears of pain & compassion when shit hits the fan but also laughter from celebrating the next milestone, bringing fun into the sessions by dancing together or being creative and playful in the present moment.

  • Not only will we dive deep into your subconscious programming and step by step shift that negative-Nancy kind of thinking, but we also shift your whole identity from who you were pretending to be based on societal norms and external expectations to who you were always meant to be. The one who knows for a fact that she is worthy and capable of being her best. The one who says “I am, so I can, and will!” and then goes HER WAY.

  • Create a clear vision, goal and personal strategy so you know exactly where you’re headed and how you will get there. You take ownership of your skills, expertise, and take immediate action through experiential learning, so you improve your self-trust, self-worth, confidence and start leading your life YOUR WAY.

  • Take consistent and aligned action towards your goals. You stay accountable with the group, track & celebrate your progress, share your lessons learned from fails * wins. You learn how to create better habits/routines for sustainable productivity. All the while you have fun along the way with different experiments and challenges.

Private 1:1 Coaching programs

My 1:1 private coaching is perfect for you if you're ready to step up your game, reach your goals in your own way, build healthy habits, and break free to be your true self. You can start with fixed-length programs from 3 months at £1,697 PIF (Payment In Full) or £619 per month. If you prefer something more tailored, we can create a personalised package that fits your exact needs—let’s chat about what works best for you!

3 months program

£1,697 PIF

or £619 per month

  • 6x Bi-weekly 45-60 minute calls via Zoom (unless agreed otherwise)

  • Up to 2x 15 minute Coaching Check-Ins a month

  • Private Chat Support Monday - Friday

  • Exclusive access to my Masterclass Collection, self-paced Transformation Suite,  Meditation Library & Best Selves Club for the duration of your program

Sign up for 3 months

6 months program

£2,997 PIF

or £549 per month

  • 13x Bi-weekly 45-60 minute calls via Zoom (unless agreed otherwise)

  • Up to 2x 15 minute Coaching Check-Ins a month

  • Private Chat Support Monday - Friday

  • Exclusive access to my Masterclass Collection, self-paced Transformation Suite,  Meditation Library & Best Selves Club for the duration of your program

Sign up for 6 months

12 months program

£5,497 PIF

or £499 per month

  • 26x Bi-weekly 45-60 minute calls via Zoom (unless agreed otherwise)

  • Up to 2x 15 minute Coaching Check-Ins a month

  • Private Chat Support Monday - Friday

  • Exclusive access to my Masterclass Collection, self-paced Transformation Suite,  Meditation Library & Best Selves Club for the duration of your program

Sign up for 12 months

Or if you need more info and would like to see how we vibe first. Thats awesome!
Book your free discovery call here

What my clients are saying 💖

  • ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Josi was the little push I needed to get outside my comfort zone and do things I didn't know was possible. She gave me little tasks to complete each week, which have made a big difference in my work, dating and family life. She listened, understood and championed me throughout. If you're looking for growth and change in your life Josi is the woman to talk to.”

    S.F. - Freelancer, Business Owner, UK

  • ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “I was fortunate to have Josi coach me at a critical time along my career change path. Josi created a very safe space for me, listened empathetically, and with great atonement to me; I felt heard! She called out my limiting beliefs and ultimately challenged me to undertake a project that I had been putting off. Simply put, her coaching style was just what I needed - a bit of tough love with a whole lot of heart!”

    S.L. - CFO, Consultant, CAN

  • ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “After several sessions with Josi over a couple of years, I've been converted to believe in the power of coaching. Whether it's personal or professional progression, Josi challenges and guides me through to the right next step for me. With clear next action steps and accountability support, I can then see the shifts in perspective and have over time become much more aligned with myself in overcoming life's obstacles.”

    S.W. - Department Lead, UK


  • After you signed the coaching agreement you will receive instructions to do either the full payment or the the first payment of the payment plan to secure your spot.

    Right after you will get a link to book all your coaching sessions as soon as you would like or starting from a later point in time. We meet every two weeks, but you get to choose which day time.

  • It highly depends what you want to get out of this coaching relationship. If you want to try out coaching first, my short-term programs are for you. If you are ready to go all-in you can then still add on a longer package starting from 3 months. Most of my clients actually work with me for a minimum of 6 months, with most of them staying on for however long they want (which can be years). So as you can see, this decision is highly dependant on what each specific client wants and needs.

  • After each session, you will not only reflect on the experience but also walk away with concrete action steps that are tailored to your goal and align with your personal strategy on how to get there. A lot of the coaching actually happens in between the sessions, because that's when you apply the learnings and form new habits to work towards a new version of yourself.

    You also have access to me via private telegram chat for on demand coaching and questions.

  • You can send all your questions directly to me via and you will receive an answer within 24-48 working hours max Or you can book a free discovery call to ask me any Qs and see if we vibe :)

My life was good, or so I thought. I had a steep career leading projects & teams, was about to be married, & moved abroad to my dream city. I seemingly had it all, but at what cost?

Yes, I built all this, but it cost me my happiness, my health, my freedom, & authenticity.

I was trying so hard to fit into someone else’s box, to prove that I’m worthy, yet never even feeling that way because I constantly looked for outside validation. And then everything completely went to shits…

The massive stress & pressure of my full-time job & studies caused me to crash. Then came a new round of lay-offs & I had to decide: stay, or leave? At the same time, the relationship turned more & more toxic. I realised on the wedding day this wasn’t it, & weeks after it was over. I was facing burnout, redundancy, & divorce all at once.

First, I thought, “Have I failed at life?” But then I decided NO, this is all happening FOR me. It’s time to turn all this sh!t into gold! So I did.

And I went from hiding my big vision, passion, and true voice behind a draining career & toxic relationship that were never meant for me to 100% backing myself up, diving head first into entrepreneurship, getting those divorce papers sorted, and following what sets MY soul on fire. AND found my dream man!

I put my back into it, my heart in it. So I did it. (Any Miley Fellow Miley Fans out here?)

That’s the power of self-trust! Which is WHY I’m here to help you do the same.

My heart is longing to see impact-driven women like you being free of self-doubt, so you can break free of the box & build the life you’ve been secretly dreaming of for years.

Over, are the times of wondering “Is this it?” or feeling trapped in “That’s just life.”

Let me show you that you 100% DO have what it takes to build & live a f*cking great life that you can’t get enough of - YOUR WAY!

I know how you feel, I’ve been there

Are you still on the fence and want to test the waters first?

I GOT YOU! Shed the deadweight of limiting beliefs so you can tap into your most authentic self & go from hiding behind your vision to grabbing life’s opportunities by its horns with that extra dose of self-trust! By debunking & helping you release those old thought patterns we create clarity for your personal strategy to move forward - but without the long-term commitment inside my Coaching Booster Experience or book a free discovery call