The Coaching Booster

Your ONE-month fast track to shed the deadweight of limiting beliefs so you can tap into your truest & best self & go from hiding behind your vision to grabbing life’s opportunities by its horns with that extra dose of self-trust! By debunking & helping you release those old thought patterns we create clarity for your personal strategy to move forward.

In this one month together you will:

  • Understand where you’re playing small and how to use your existing strengths to play BIG instead by learning the tools to shift from self-sabotage to self-empowerment

  • Get crystal-clear on your goals and vision

  • Walk away with your personalised action steps to create momentum from the get go A whilst knowing exactly how to navigate any obstacles that arise

This is for you if you want to make progress and you want it rapido. In this program, I use Mindset Coaching and combine awareness and action to achieve that balance between the BEING & DOING so you get clarity and can create your bespoke strategy.

Think of it like playing Mario Kart and getting a mushroom for an extra boost towards the finishing line! Sometimes this may be all you ever needed to actually cross it.

Here’s what’s included:

  1. 1x 60-Minute Mindset Deep Dive Session to create the new level of self-awareness

  2. Personalised 30-Day Action Plan & Tracker to stay on track

  3. Two weeks of 1:1 Voxer Coaching and Chat Support so you can work towards your goals with my eyes & ears on your actions and YOU so we can create results in half the time

  4. 1x Follow-Up Check-in

All of this for only £299!

(Pssst if you decide afterwards to join either my 1:1 Coaching Program or Mastermind, you will get the cost for the booster back!)

Josi Dumont, Self-Leadership and Mindset Coach


It might just take you this one kick in the peach to go:

From thinking you exhausted all the options and you just got to suck it up because “that’s life”…

⇨To that AHA-moment that just changes the whole outlook on the situation and knowing exactly what you to do to get out of that stuckness!

From constant hustle-mode because you believe working more and harder surely must be the solution…

⇨To finding your way of creating momentum with ease without clocking off past 10 PM.

From restarting emails, posts, projects or client proposals from scratch because “it’s not good enough“…

⇨To embracing messy action and learning by doing so you actually make real progress!

Want to work with me for longer? You can also choose between fixed lengths starting from 3 months for £2,997 or opt-in for fully personalised packages with pricing agreed upon discussion of your exact needs!