Commitment to yourself.

selfleadership, mindset, josi dumont, mindset coach, leadership

Having worked with many clients from different backgrounds, cultures, with challenges and goals, and dreams, there seems to be a common aspect around something that is almost like a fear of commitment.

And I am not talking about any commitment like work or family, no, I am talking about committing to oneself.

This form of commitment seems to be one of the hardest, for some almost impossible, despite their big dreams and hopes. When it comes to actually committing to action on it and working towards it, people sometimes freeze and stop. Astonishingly this also seems to be a lot easier to drop than when it comes to commitment to others.

I get it, this is due to caring a lot more about what others think of us than we do (even if you maybe don’t want to admit it). It is not unusual for humans to put more emphasis on others’ opinions. They seek out advice, want to be accepted, and belong to the group. So they do a lot in order to please others’ expectations of them. It’s basically partially due to human nature, yet in the instances of living the life you desire to live this can be of high disservice. It also is a deep routed societal issue where you got trained to follow a certain lifestyle or plan or journey. But what this takes away from you is the autonomy to follow your own path and what you are meant to do, as well as your authority in being yourself.

Self-leadership, means you reclaim that autonomy. It means you claim your right of leadership over your life back. It means stepping out of the victim mentality, overthinking, self-doubt, procrastinating, and working your a$$ off for others and not yourself.

This is where working with a professional coach can be of immense advantage. For example, in my coaching, I provide a nurturing and non-judgmental space for you to explore and comprehend your fears and limiting beliefs. Through this process, you'll gain insights into the underlying causes of your anxieties and challenges. I guide you through those deep conversations that will help you reframe negative thought patterns, foster self-awareness and enable you to confront and move beyond your fears.

Together we will then set manageable commitments, allowing you to gradually rebuild your self-trust and confidence, you have my guidance and encouragement to keep you going and of course, I will also be your accountability buddy.

Working on yourself and finally committing to yourself allows you to go through a gradual metamorphosis. You'll begin to perceive yourself as the driving force behind your own journey, capable of making mindful choices and leading yourself towards your goals. Armed with newfound confidence and clarity, you'll step into self-leadership, embracing the role of the author in shaping your life's narrative the way you want.

If this is what you want, reach out via

Committing to yourself it the most powerful thing you can do, and it’s always worth it!

I see you


Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


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