How to navigate the sh!tshow before the glamshow!

Whether the shit show is because of a person and a promise that was broken, you were lied to, you got scammed, left alone during hard times, were talked about, got gaslit, or threatened. Whether life just chose to throw it all at you with redundancy, relationship issues, stress, health issues. Whether your business is experiencing a dip, system crashes, failed client payments, social media is down, or an unexpected invoice comes in. Whether any of this happens in your private life or in business - it’s a shitshow. And I’m sure you have experienced an accumulation of all of these at the same time, just to truly challenge you and test your resilience, patience, and strength.

As you go through this, most likely you will feel frustrated and angry, maybe also hurt and disappointed, maybe you panic and isolate yourself. You might be wondering “Why? Why now, why me” and “How could this happen?”.

!!! This can easily push you down the self-sabotaging and self-blaming rabbit hole. And being in there doesn’t feel nice at all - it quite frankly feels sh!te. Hence the name: shitshow.

So how can we best cope with all of this without making things worse? And prevent acting from a place of rage & fury and instead find calm, clarity and maybe even a little peace of mind? How can we stay kind to ourselves and to others in this process and not steer too far away from our vision and goals? How do we keep going with our heads up high, knowing this too shall pass?

Here’s how:

  1. Acknowledge how you’re feeling. It’s ok to feel all of these emotions, they’re valid! So, even though not nice, let yourself experience them, name them, journal on them, share them with a trusted person. Find a way to let off the steam whether that’s having a good long cry or smashing furniture in a rage room (I SO want to try that btw).

  2. Reflect on this whole situation. Ask yourself: What exactly occurred, and how did it affect me? What am I making this mean? What can I learn from this experience?

    This reflection isn't about placing blame, pushing away your ownership and responsibility in the situation or to play the victim, but understanding the situation to gain clarity and insight. To see what is in your control and what isn’t.

  3. Open communication. Once you released the emotional charge, speak with the other person who maybe wronged you, or your team if things haven’t been going as wished. Share your experience transparently and you may find that seeing things from others perspectives opens up a whole new experience or solutions you didn’t see before.

  4. Set boundaries and focus on you. Set boundaries so you can protect your own energy and peace of mind. Make sure to look after your heart, body, mind and soul to restore your energy. My top tip: Metta Bhavana Meditation to practise loving kindness for yourself and the other person if there is a conflict between you and someone else. This will also help you to forgive them about what happened so you can set yourself free and move on. Or if it’s more of a stressful situation in general, rather than fighting fire with fire, meditation can also support you in grounding yourself, staying true to your values and tackling it all one burning pile of poop after the other.

  5. Seek support where needed. There’s nothing wrong in asking for help. Connect with like-minded women who might experience the same, talk to a friend, or reach out to your coach. You’re not alone in this :)

Dealing with things like this are never easy, but one of my favourite ways to look at these challenges is by trusting that they will prepare me for the next ultimate quantum leap and massive upgrade in life and business, a.k.a. The upcoming GLAMSHOW. This is how we learn the needed lessons to advance into the next chapter in life. And that’s something I’m so here for!

Looking for a partner in crime to navigate your current shitshow, close the chapter with peace of mind and kickstart your ultimate glam show?

Let’s get started with 1 month of coaching for only £299 <3

Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


Rather than copy-pasting what everyone else’s doing - re-build the trust in yourself!


I learned more in 2.5 years of entrepreneurship than in almost a decade in corporate