How to use the Law of Assumption to your advantage

Josephine Dumont, Leadership Coach, Mindset Coach

First up, let’s assume this article will be to your benefit and is a great extra Mindset Hack to know and use on a daily basis.

The Law of Assumption is a powerful psychological principle that states that we tend to infer or assume things about people and situations based on limited information or evidence. When applied in the right way, The Law of Assumption can help us to make better decisions and create better outcomes in our lives.

But not only that, but it can also lead to increased confidence (assuming something will be successful may give us the confidence to take risks and pursue goals and dreams), reduce stress (by assuming things will work out and there is no need to over-worry) or higher motivation to go for what we want (by assuming this is totally possible for us to achieve).

The Law of Assumption can be applied in many different situations of life, it is basically a multifunctional tool of positive psychology. Here are just some of the many examples of where it can be used:

  • In business: By assuming that a business strategy will be successful, even before it has been tested, a company may be more likely to invest in it.

  • In relationships: By assuming that a new relationship will work out, even before it has been tested, a person may be more likely to stay in the relationship.

  • In education: By assuming that a certain course of study will be beneficial, even before it has been tested, a student may be more likely to pursue it.

Now that we know the benefits of the law of assumption and that we basically can apply it to everything and anything in our lives, how exactly would we go about that? Well, it does require a mindset shift, which doesn’t just happen. It sometimes does when facing incredible hardship or other wake-up calls, but luckily there is no need to wait for something horrible to happen in order to shift your mind and change your life.

As with anything new, we are learning, using the Law of Assumption effectively can take some practice, but here are a few tips to help you get started:

  • Focus on the positive: When making assumptions, focus on the positive outcomes that you want to achieve.

  • Be realistic: Don’t make assumptions that are too far-fetched or unrealistic.

  • Get into action: Taking action is the only way to make progress and see results.

  • Monitor your progress: Regularly reflect on your progress and the changes you have made.

Or in short, always assume for something to work out as planned OR better.

When approaching life or other challenges with this mindset, and truly believing in it, nothing can stop you and you will know that any hardship that may still come your way is actually here to teach you something or shift something for the better. Because it always does. Things do work out, for you too.

Where do you want to apply the Law of Assumption first?

If you are struggling with creating a more positive outlook on things, you may want to look at working with me 1:1 to get yourself into a space where you can deep dive into the negative self-talk and limiting beliefs that may hold you back. And let me tell you, no, they are not rational and logical, they don’t always make sense, and things can be different.

Or simply reach out and start a conversation :)



Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


Get out of your way, get out of your head


Hacking the mind to unlock its full potential