I am Josi

This is Josi Dumont

Listening to and acting on the signs of the universe has led me to do this subtle yet powerful change.

Ok, for some of you this may sound like woo-woo and whatnot, but here is the thing: there is a reason why certain themes or signs or reminders keep on showing up for you ON REPEAT, until you finally do the thing you avoided, or heal, or whatever it is.

Here are the signs I have been receiving:

-My mum sent me a screenshot about what might happen in the current full moon in the sign of Scorpio, and it included: bringing about deeply buried topics that will surface, establishing a more intimate relationship with self and others, and letting go of what doesn't serve you to grow.

>>>First reaction: ok cool, not sure what that could be right now

-THEN a fellow business owner pulled a card for me which was about "inner Peace" and she mentioned "releasing a fear around or resistance to something to achieve inner peace"

>>>First reaction: Mhhh ok, I guess I should do something that gives me inner peace.

-And the LAST piece of the puzzle was my business mentor who suggested I should consider changing my business name to my own name.

>>>First reaction: HELL NO (typical chimp reaction by the way)

Then this morning this quote popped up on my feet: "Feel your power to shift old patterns into new patterns"

So, I there sitting like: "riiiiiiiight, something is going on here..."

And I got curious, what is it specifically about this name change that scares me so much, or what is causing the resistance?

I found an answer:

First up, I do LOVE the name Coffee With JD, it's something my 16-year-old past self came up with and then was too insecure to go ahead and create a blog. So to honour this, I am keeping this name for the blog on my website.

But my whole life up until 2-ish years ago, I was always Josi. Not Josephine, nor JD, or Jo, or Josef or whatever name starbucks ever gave me.

I was and am, Josi.

So this shift actually meant to embrace my life's journey and experience and IDENTITY, and now to also actively SHOW it with this new old name.

My whole work is based on what I learned throughout life but also what I always truly and strongly believed in (the power of our thoughts), so it only makes sense to have it be represented with Josi.

Because it was her, who did all that.

With this, I am stepping more into my own authenticity and truly OWNING my story, my name, past, present, and future.

And YES, this feels surprisingly NEW and UNKNOWN (despite its obvious contradicting familiarity), but I can safely and confidently say:

I LOOOOOOOVE it, and I am here for it.

Yours truly,


Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


The Damaging Impact of a Toxic Work Culture


The ABC of inner child work