Mindfulness reimagined

Josephine Dumont, Leadership and Mindset Coach

The benefits of mindfulness are not scarce, starting from being more present, and over control of emotions and thoughts to the relief of anxiety and stress. Even though I appreciate that it may not be 100% beneficial for everyone on this planet, I believe looking inward and being aware of what’s going on has and will never harm anyone. Yet, it may be tricky for some people to get into mindful routines, sometimes due to prejudice about it (especially referring to those, “yeah I tried it once but it didn’t work kind of people", because there was a time in life where also myself could not lay still, tune into the body and watch my thoughts.)

To start to reimagine mindfulness, I first want to offer you some synonyms that may already be able to open your mind to it and let go of any judgemental thoughts you might be having. If these also don’t work, try to come up with a name that resonates with you and you can get behind!

Here is a quick brainstorm of possibilities:

Thought Management
Reflection Time
Self-Awareness Practice
Sitting with Self
Getting Grounded
Being Present

Now pick whichever new name that resonates the most with you, and note down how you can do exactly that or what is needed for it. And make it as simple as possible, like taking 3 deep breaths, listening intently to one full song, watching the wind blowing in the trees for 2 minutes, eating some food without any other distractions, going for a walk, and trying to name 3 different smells or journaling one line a day about how you feel.

Mindfulness can be practiced everywhere and anywhere. If that weren’t the case, it would defeat its main purpose: being present.

With this, I would like to invite you to a mindfulness challenge, for 30 days of practice mindfulness for ONLY 2 minutes a day, you are not allowed to do any longer than that. If you are participating, use the hashtag #2minutemindfulness2023 so I can cheer you on and help you along the way if you need guidance or an accountability buddy.

Let’s be mindful together!



Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


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