Positivity - but not as you may think

Josephine Dumont, Mindset Coach, Leadership Coach

The positivity I practice and preach and so damn strongly believe in is not the “kind of positivity where you ignore everything that’s bad”. It’s not about being ignorant and not knowing at all what a negative experience is like and ignoring what’s going on in this world. I believe it’s important to also allow those negative emotions to come up, to sit with them, feel them, and know what it’s like to be sad, frustrated, or angry. They are part of what makes life so special, and thanks to them we know what happiness, joy, and gratitude.

And then after you sat with them for a while, it is so so crucial to not get comfortable with all that pain and to not make it your natural state. The more negativity you foster, the more negative your vibes are, and the more negativity will enter your life. Simply because you open yourself up to it and are a match for it.

To prevent that. first, get curious about where they come from. What thought patterns and old belief systems make you feel this way (because you know that, if you have been following me for a while: thoughts create feelings create actions create life)? How can you reprogram your mind and transform those thoughts into more positive ones? How does the new thought feel if you move from grudge to compassion, jealousy to gratitude, or hatred to love?

In short, what we do here is shift your energy, the vibrations you put out into this world from low to high. Good things only exist and are attracted to high frequencies, so you got to reprogram your “antenna” to those signals to hear the music. Switch the channel from sad music only to an uplifting one. Negative emotions are the alarm signaling you that something needs changing so that you can live a better life.

One of my favourite ways to shift is through journaling or exploring the topic and emotion with my coach if it’s something bigger (sometimes even small things, as I love getting fresh perspectives and having someone asking me those thought-provoking questions that go deeper, where I on my own maybe am not able to go and having that support helps).

If there is anything you want to shift in your life, reach out and start asap. Together we can make magic happen!

Coming to the conclusion, bad days are great, they are here to teach us something, it is our decision whether we truly see them as a bad day only or an opportunity to get curious, understand ourselves, and taking the action to shift and grow.


Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


I dropped out of uni SO close to the end


Less apologising, more embracing