The place where you take full ownership of your BIG vision & anything limiting you in a group of powerhouse, impact-driven women who all want to live their best life possible with that deep self-trust!

What is the “Best Selves Club”?

Welcome to the Best Selves Club (BSC)—a flexible, rolling monthly membership that’s all about building a supportive community where you feel truly seen and connected. 

In this space, you’ll get plenty of support and guidance from me and from a fantastic group of like-minded people. Our group setting lets you benefit from not just my expertise but also the real-life experiences and insights of your fellow members. It’s all about learning, sharing, and growing together in a way that’s both fun and inspiring!

  • Great Q! So let me explain…

    This program stands out because it focuses on deep mindset work to help you release subconscious limiting beliefs that lead to procrastination and overthinking. It transforms you into an action-taker who views mistakes as stepping stones, not roadblocks. By empowering you to operate as the CEO of your business and life, the program encourages you to take full ownership of your outcomes. Ultimately, it guides you to become your best self, someone who knows her capabilities and confidently turns her dreams into reality.



Well being



Leadership • Action-taking • Well being • Community • Mindset •

Is this for me?

If you…

  1. are constantly second-guessing yourself and feel a longing for more, you’re not alone. You’ve tried cookie-cutter strategies that drained the life out of you and now crave a space where you can be fully seen and heard. You want to carve your own path and achieve results that feel both top-tier and truly fulfilling

  2. have a notebook full of brilliant ideas but feel overwhelmed and unsure if any are "the right thing." You question if they’re good enough and struggle to prioritise, leaving you stuck and doubting your progress

  3. struggle with discipline and organisation, often jumping from one idea to the next. You feel frustrated by slow progress and overcompensate with extra work while craving more spaciousness and guilt-free downtime.

In our Best Selves Club, you will learn how to stop the second-guessing and wondering whether you’re really cut out for business into decisive action-taking, so that you can create massive momentum in your life and biz with certainty in every step, as well as fun & ease along the way.

Together with others, you will turn imposter syndrome into oozing confidence & self-trust so that you no longer wonder “is the right thing to do” or “is it good enough”, and actually GO and make significant progress towards your goals.

💭Imagine for a sec…

  • "You show up confidently, stand in your skills & capabilities, expand your network and wow that new connection that leads to your dream job by being authentic and true to yourself"

  • "You learn how to better manage your time & set priorities so you can have spaciousness in your calendar to take care of yourself to AND be there as your best for your clients"

  • "You not only start writing your book that you've been dreaming of for so long, but have it published, people are reading it across the globe & are sending you messages of their fave quotes"

  • “You find your routines that work for you and pour into you, having you feeling energised and ready AF every single day. You’re no longer a member of the hustle-club because you know how to create your momentum with ease.”

How do we make this possible?

We combine five key pillars (Mindset, Leadership, Action Taking, Well-Being and Community) that help you reconnect with your best self and build unshakable self-trust. These are the foundation for creating the business and life you truly desire.

  • Everything starts with the inner work—your mindset.

    • Uncover and overcome limiting beliefs to shift towards a growth-focused, positive mindset

    • Learn the tools to tap into your personal strengths and operate in your zone of genius.

    • Gain a deep understanding of who you are and how to handle challenges, so life works for you, not against you.

  • You need to know where you’re headed—your leadership

    • Create a clear vision, set goals, and develop a personal strategy so you always know your direction.

    • Own your skills and expertise, taking action through real-world learning.

    • Build self-trust, self-worth, and confidence to lead your life on your terms.

  • Results come from action—your action-taking

    • Take consistent, aligned steps toward your goals.

    • Stay accountable within the group, track progress, celebrate wins, and learn from the failures.

    • Build better habits and routines for long-lasting productivity, while having fun with experiments and challenges.

  • To sustain progress, your well-being must be a priority

    • Elevate your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being to ensure long-term success.

  • Now, combine all of this with a supportive community of like-minded women, and you’ve got an unbeatable formula!

    • Surround yourself with women who understand and support your journey.

    • Strengthen your network, learn from each other's strengths, and tap into the group's collective power.

What’s inside?

Within this space you can expect high levels of support and guidance not only from me but your fellow powerhouses as well. This is an experiential space to grow together. I dare say it’s addictive, you might never wanna leave - so why not go for the yearly subscription and save yourself some $$$?!

OR if you need more info and would like to see how we vibe first. Thats awesome!
Book your free discovery call here

What my clients are saying 💖

Josi Dumont Self-Leadership & Mindset Coach

Meet Your Coach

Hi, I’m Josi!

I'm a certified and ICF accredited Leadership & Mindset Coach, Published Author and Podcast Host. I work with impact-driven women worldwide who seek to shake up the industry in their own authentic way. I trained with the largest experiential coach training and leadership development organisation in the world CTI and combine these skills with my own expertise and experience to help my clients overcome self-doubt in the form of Imposter Syndrome.

Through building deep self-trust by focusing on leadership, aligned action taking, well-being, and fostering a strong mindset my clients transform not only themselves, but their whole life and business in their own way!

Can’t wait to see you inside!


  • If you are in the general membership you have access to an intimate community space consisting of the chat on discord and your monthly calls. Whilst Josi is the main facilitator this is a space where you get what you give as it is a truly supportive community. 

    If you are a VIP member you have additional 1:1 support with Josi in form of up to 4 1-hour sessions per quarter. This will allow you to get tailored support and/or to work on things you may not feel comfortable sharing with others or to simply get a deeper experience and understanding of yourself.

    In addition, you get access to the private hub which will help you form a solid foundation of self-awareness and provides you with the tools to work through limiting beliefs, reduce stress, activate your strengths and more.

  • Women in business, online service providers, coaches, consultants as well passionate side-hustlers and dreamers who want to give it a real shot!

  • There will be several cohorts to ensure intimacy and trust within a group. One group will be up to 5 people. If there is a demand for it, bigger group events to enable networking and more connections will be added to the membership as well.

  • Unless you go for the yearly option it's a monthly rolling membership (you can cancel anytime). However due to the nature of it you will get the most out of it the longer you stay to keep on accessing the live calls, trainings and resources!

What are you waiting for?

Stop the second-guessing and wondering whether you’re really cut out for business into DECISIVE action-taking, so that you can create massive momentum in your life and biz with certainty in every step, as well as fun & ease along the way.