3 ways to manifest that badass life you deserve
“You are the captain of your soul…”
(Before we get right into the topic, whilst I am typing this my cat Margie has one of her rare cuddly moments. She has been laying on my lap for ages also half blocking my arm so I have to type in a very distorted way. If you are a cat lover you will understand the struggle (and honour!) I am experiencing here, if you are not, well let’s start with talking about manifestation shall we?)
We all do it, consciously or not we all do it, every day in every moment. How you may ask? The answer is easy, with your thoughts, your intention and your energy. For example, every time you go into town by car and think “I always get the best parking spot” you will always get the best parking spot right next to the entrance. However, if you keep thinking “Oh, I am always so unlucky, I never get a good spot” you will literally always get the one in the last corner next to the trash cans and it is so narrow you have to hold your breath when trying to get out of the car.
The key thing to understand here is that the concept of manifestation, law of attraction (or however else you may call it) applies to all areas of life. How do you think about money, your work or even your body! The very reason is because everything is pure energy. If you take all existence to a very basic level, all that is left is energy. Which radiates, vibrates and connects. And if you vibe with a specific energy that is what you attract more of into your life. If you want to know more about how this exactly works and what is happening within your body, check out the book “Becoming supernatural” by Dr. Joe Dispenza, it is a game changer!
So if you can influence what is happening to you in your life and you can basically be the captain of your journey, why wouldn’t you? It still to this day comes as a surprise to me sometimes that not everybody knows about this or is aware of how powerful we and our thoughts actually are. Something that came so naturally to me and has been labelled as being “stubborn” or “naive” by those who did not understand. You see, if you are not yet there on your journey you may say this is absolute bullocks and not rational at all. But let me tell you, these concepts actually are the most rational thing ever once you grasp them. And I will introduce you to three easy ways, how!
This is one of my all time favourite ways to manifest something into my life. Take some time out of the day, for example in the morning) and just sit or go for a manifestation walk and visualise a scenario of your future self achieving something you have always dreamed of. Try to make it feel as real as possible in order to vibe with the energy of that future moment as much as possible. The following questions can help to guide you through it:
Where are you?
What do you look like?
What do you do?
Who is around you?
What can you smell, taste, sense?
How do you feel?
Describe everything in your mind as exactly as possible, built a clear picture with all the details you can think of. Feel the feelings of that moment, feel the happiness, bliss, be proud of what you accomplished. Indulge in the moment as much as possible and repeat this exercise as often as you want by adding new details or changing the scenario slightly. And you will see, once you linked in with the vibration of that future self, you are attracting this future to you and call it into reality.Journaling/Scripting
This can often help having an even clearer picture in your mind, writing something down makes it even more real. Seeing your visualisation on paper so you can remind yourself and relive that moment over and over again is a great way to call something into your life. Use the guidance and questions form above to describe a day in the new job you want or how it feels having an abundance of money at your hand to do whatever you like. This is a great daily exercise, especially in the morning (I do it straight after meditating because I already am in a high vibrating state) or before bed (or both!) so you might subconsciously ponder on it while you are sleeping, literally making your dreams come true!Behave and feel as if
Now, this can also be done in conjunction with the visualisation or on its own. What I mean by this is, act and live as if you already have achieved what you want. This does not mean, to go and spend thousands on a bag because you want to be a billionaire and buy fancy handbags all the time. Instead, write yourself a check and “feel” and visualise like you actually received it. Every time you get money or get something for free, be grateful for the extra income and tell yourself “hell yeah there is a bunch more of where that came from!”. If you want a new job you could write the job title underneath your name in your journal or think about doing tasks you would have in the new job. If you desire a very specific vacation, pack the suitcase, and buy a new holiday outfit you want to wear. Try doing those little kinds of things to help you feel like you already have what you want for extra vibes on that frequency.
These are the essentials and things I personally have been doing all the time and still do. I have manifested great things and know I can manifest even more.
One last important note though: manifesting is not just wishing and waiting, it DOES include an element of work and putting in the inspired action. Never forget that!
What have you manifested into your life? What are your favourite ways to manifest?
NamaStay happy,