Accelerate your morning routine!


So, why are we talking about Morning Routine today? Because there is a reason highly successful people and millionaires have a morning routine (and most of the time a pretty early one too, just check out the book “5 AM club. Own your morning. Elevate your life” by Robin Sharma). I have read through many books, and articles watched videos of various routines, and tried out many different things to see what suits me best.

And this is also my first tip: just because Mrs. or Mr. XYZ does this and that in the morning doesn’t mean it suits you! You have to find what works best for you and what gives you a kickstart into the day so you feel like you can take on the world (and even that is not guaranteed once you found your perfect routine, because we are all in the end only humans and bad days are ok, just as a disclaimer).

So what I always knew works for me is getting up early, I love the early quiet early morning hours when no one else is up and you can do your thing in peace. And yes, this means I go to bed very early too, you normally would not see me awake anymore after 10 PM latest.

My morning routine:

  • Get up 4:50 AM and brush my teeth

  • drink a glass of water to activate the body

  • meditate or do PQ reps

  • journaling and coffee time

  • Train the body and go to the gym

  • day admin, reading and breakfast

  • start work around 9:00 - 9:30 AM

This might not be telling you anything right now so let me categorise it a little bit for you. I always try to cover 3 things in my mornings for the best start into the day: Soul, Mind and Body.

Every morning try to do something for your Soul, Mind, and Body

Meditating in the morning right after getting up is the best time in my eyes to sit down and watch your thoughts pass by. One, because you are still in some kind of trance state and you radiate at a different frequency compared to in the middle of the day. Meaning, that your meditation is very likely to be more fruitful. Journaling directly after is great to continue being mindful of the present moment, capturing your thoughts, being grateful, working with affirmations, or doing some scripting (i.e manifesting that badass future of yours).

After you took care of your mind it is great to also connect with the body and wake up the system. Exercise in the morning is an amazing energiser and will help you feel accomplished and like a powerhouse for the rest of the day because you did something good for your health (mentally and physically). Depending on the weather I might add a walk onto it directly after to get some fresh air and steps in. Though if it is raining I prefer to have a shower and read or study for a little bit before work starts. Even if it is only for half an hour, if you add up that half hour of reading every day you will read 182 hours in one year! That is a lot of time in which you can learn something new or go on an adventure with a good science fiction book.

The best part of the day has to be breakfast though! It truly is my favourite meal of the day and I can’t wait to have breakfast again as soon as I finished my bowl of goodness. This is your chance to fuel the body with some good stuff, give it some energy back so it can replenish after the workout, and provide you with energy throughout the day. Of course, if you are not a breakfast person, that’s ok too, whatever works for you!

So, to sum this up with some key take-aways for you:

If you want to establish a great morning routine, make sure to cover the three main buckets which are your soul, mind, and body. This way you truly do something good for yourself without neglecting any aspect of your being and you tap into your greatness. Also make sure you find a routine that works for you, yes try different things out if you fancy, but in the end, stick to what works and makes you feel great! No one is judging and there is no pressure at all that you have to have the same schedule as Elon Musk in order to build a multi-billion dollar business!

What do you swear by in your morning routine and what did you try that has not worked at all?


NamaStay happy,


Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


The magic powers of gratitude


3 ways to manifest that badass life you deserve