5 Ways to Skyrocket Your Confidence

Confidence is created the more often you do what you don’t feel confident in.

Now you might think “Ok, but that’s easier said than done!”, and I totally get it. But let’s not stop trying or pursuing this right from the get go ok? Because if you don’t go after what you want, you will never get it and if you don’t step forward, you will always remain at the same place. So let me show you what to focus on to make it less daunting to venture outside the comfort zone.

1️⃣ Shift your mindset from victim player to hero
Notice where you’re coming up with excuses as to why you can’t do something, especially external ones like “No one watches my reels, why should I bother putting them out and embarrass myself?” - Instead of needing the external validation of high views to post, post because you want to get better.

2️⃣ Know what you want to achieve with being more confident
Get clear on your vision and your why. What do you want to be known for? What is so worth for you taking a stand for? What are you dying to improve in this world? Use your passion as the fuel to put yourself out there and speak up about it.
Lead by example!

3️⃣ Do the daym thing but make it tiny
Instead of putting extra pressure on yourself by saying I need to be immediately comfortable to speak up in front of hundreds on people on stage, break it down into tiny actions. This could be talking to one new person about your passion project or to go live on Instagram for a maximum of 2 minutes, sharing a quick tip.

4️⃣ Take care of your energy & reduce your stress levels
No one will want to do anything that doesn’t feel comfortable if they feel stressed. In fact, 48% of entrepreneurs who experience burnout report reduced passion for their work. In other words, if you feel shit all you wanna do is nothing at all because you can’t be bothered. So make sure you’re in a good energetic place when you venture out to challenge yourself and it will come easier to you.

5️⃣ Surround yourself with others doing the same
“Shared pain is half the pain” - I guess mainly because it’s more fun doing it with some one else, and you have someone to hold you accountable. So instead of thinking you have to go through it all alone, why not pair up with an accountability buddy and challenge another. If one doesn’t follow through they pay for the next coffee ;)

Here’s your call to action: pick one of these tips and try it out for a week OR try a different one every day. And let me know what changed for you after!

If you want to have a place where we combine all things mindset, leadership, action-taking, well-being, and community so you can grow into your best self amongst others, then the Best Selves Club is ready to welcome you with open arms!

Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


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