Do you take ownership of your results (or lack there of?)

Let’s be honest, how much ownership do you take for your results? If there are none, are you quick to blame external factors (like too many meetings on your plate and no time to follow through, the economy and inflation rates that are going through the roof and no one wants to buy anything right now, being a small fish in a big over-saturated pond, not having the same tech as “all the others”, or maybe even thinking because you’re not yet in it fulltime you can’t see the same results as someone who does ).

But I also want to ask if there are some, are you owning those? Are you celebrating?

Taking ownership of our actions is an important part of dealing with success AND failure. When we take responsibility for our mistakes and achievements, we empower ourselves to make changes and improve. It's easy to slip into victim thinking and blame others for our failures, it’s also easy to brush off compliments about our success and say “ah no it’s just because X helped me” or “I wouldn’t have been able to do it without Y”. But this way of thinking, this mindset prevents growth. By owning our failures as well as our accomplishments, we acknowledge that we have the power to influence our outcomes. This accountability is crucial for personal development and ultimately leads to greater success!

Let me give you a personal example:

One of my goals this year was to be booked onto as many podcasts as possible to share what I have with more people, increase visibility, be seen as more of an authority, and to also get outside my comfort zone.

At first I relied on what my former mentor was telling me to do “copy this script, send an email to people”. So I did that, with zero success. I reached out to about 30 different people this way, to no avail. I could’ve gone and blamed my mentor for the “bad strategy” or “bad messaging”. But I didn’t.

It was still me who took the script, changed it where needed, and sent it. It was still my decision to do it this way even though it didn’t feel great to me.

I could’ve stopped there and given up, brand it as “it failed, it’s not working so it’s not happening”.

What did I do instead?

  • I accepted it and went to move on: Everyone fails at some point, this is the best way to learn.

  • I learned from it: What did I like/not like about this approach, what gave me some responses and what didn’t, how can I adapt when I try again?

  • I stayed positive and in my power: Being a negative Nancy about it wouldn’t get me anywhere, so instead I chose to keep going with high spirits, eventually I will find what works.

  • I persevered: I just kept going, no matter how many times someone said no. I kept on venturing outside the comfort zone.

So in terms of the podcast-guest-pitching marathon:

I kept on trying different strategies that felt more natural to me. So I built genuine connections first with people before asking them OR if someone was actually looking I would not hesitate to pitch myself. (Sidenote: My pitches were awful at first, not hitting any spots, so I had to keep on tweaking my messaging, make it more authentic, more natural, more me, more casual, but it paid out!)

I collected countless more “NO THANK YOUs” or crickets and those dried up bushes hushing across the screen in wild west movies, but I also started collecting more “YESs”. One after the other came in and great conversations started to happen.

Fast forward to today, I have been guest on several podcasts, got one on the calendar today, two more booked this week (one being IN PERSON!!!) and several more in the upcoming weeks. (As I was writing this post another booking request came in!)

And for every single one of them, I run up to my boyfriend and celebratory shout out loud: “I got booked onto another podcast!!!” And together we do a little shimey-shimey dance to celebrate. Celebrating is THE EASIEST way to own your achievements and something I shall never stop recommending to anyone. Pop that champagne open, do the dance, put on the music, throw a party, scream from the top of a mountain, I don’t care what you do to celebrate, just do it!

So you see, owning your lack of results means turning it into actual ones. And owning your actual results means knowing that you got this and that you can do tough and scary shit. Keep going!

Want someone to call you out on where you’re not taking accountability so you can start shifting how things are? Or want someone to celebrate your successes with? I’m here for all of that and more. Best way to get started is with the 1-month coaching experience, book your slot via the button below!
Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


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Rather than copy-pasting what everyone else’s doing - re-build the trust in yourself!