Deep dive into visualisation


“What if I tell you that you literally
can be anyone you want to?”


Ooooh, I am honestly so excited to talk about this in more detail. Visualisations are one of my absolute favourite ways to call my highest dreams into existence and evolve into the human being I want to be. All of that is possible, with the power of your thoughts and your trust in your power and belief in yourself. It is a way to shift your identity from the person you are today to the one you desire to be. That can be anyone, a wealthy person, a super confident person, a fear-free person or all of it at the same time or someone completely different.

Visualisations can work in many different ways and it is really up to your own liking how you want to approach it, you may even try a lot of different ways to go at it from different angles. I personally like to do it during meditation, whilst journaling or when I go on a visioning-walk I would play through scenarios in my head of how I received a new job offer or pay rise or how I sip hot chocolate from a mug whilst standing in my absolute dream house whilst looking out of the window. Whatever it may be that you desire, visualising it with all your senses is like sending a message via your energy and vibrations out into the universe and attracting it to you (or in better words, creating it for you).

Now, what do I mean with all the senses? If you take it very high level, everything around manifestation, the law of attraction, quantum creation, etc comes down to one rule: feel the feelings. If your desire is to be a wealthy and rich person, how do you envision that person feeling? You might feel independent, free to do whatever you want, empowered, generous, accomplished or proud. If you visualise yourself as that new identity, tune into it with your whole body, feel it, feel free, feel proud, feel independent or happy.

The next step is to know it is true and believe in yourself. Know that this reality is true for you. It is waiting for you. It is coming to you. You are creating that reality for you in that exact moment.

Know that this is true because you are creating it and calling it into existence with your mind power. You believe in your powers because you know you are a truly magical being, connected to the energy of this world, connected to the unknown where everything is possible. If you believe in yourself and trust your powers there is no need to wonder how this new reality might be coming upon you. There is no need for you to worry about it because it already is true, you decided it and you know that it will happen.

Let me give you an example of my own experience and how I manifested a new job into existence mainly by using visualisation but also the ultimate trust that, if I want something I will have it. I decided I will get this job, so I got it. I never doubted it, I always trusted this will happen, I always felt it in my guts that this was my calling and it will come.

I managed to secure a role in Finland a couple of years back (again, I called it into existence because I knew deep down, that my place is not in Germany anymore). It was a great experience, but still, I was thinking and dreaming about living in the UK every single day. And then it happened, a new job opened up in the UK. It was the perfect job I wished for as my next opportunity anyway AND in the UK - jackpot! So I did all the formal work, ie I applied and connected with the team etc, but I also started working on it purposefully from within. I would go on manifestation walks, thinking about finding a house in the UK, walking through the streets in Welwyn or I would write down my name and add the new job title underneath. I meditated and visualised myself sitting at a desk in the corner, chatting with my new colleagues.

I told friends of mine how badly I wanted this, I told the universe how badly I wanted this job, every day before I went to bed and first thing when I woke up. And I got the job, I found a house and I moved there. I made it come true.

I consciously created a new reality by visualising it and tuning into the new identity, I knew deep down, was true for me. I trusted my intuition completely and fully without a doubt. And it happened. It is one of my favourite examples of how visualisations have supported my manifestations so far, because it was so big for me at the time, and I felt it with every inch of my body. It has proven to me, how powerful we as human beings actually are if we just realise and use our powers. We all have all that we need to create everything we want. We only need ourselves, our thoughts and our trust.

Have you called something actively into existence via visualisation? Or subconsciously? What is your favourite method of visualising your desires? Let me know in the comments below

NamaStay happy


Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


Feeling ashamed of changing