Finding balance in DOING and BEING

Josephine Dumont, Mindset Coach

Does this sound familiar?

We always think of what we have to do next, we need to do the laundry, send that email, bring the kids to bed, cook dinner, work out, attend that workshop, read that book and so much more.

Isn’t it peculiar that we keep getting caught up more in what we have to DO, versus who we want to be?

Have you ever actually asked yourself, who you want to be in order to do all that and else?

If there is no balance between the two, we will get into action without purpose, and if we are only being, we won’t get anything done.

BEING is all about who we are, our purpose and values, goals, and visions.

DOING is all about inspired action, making it real, and moving forward.

>> Let’s look at a scenario:

Kim wants to write a book. (The goal)
To achieve that she wants to set up a daily writing routine, create an inspiring work environment, read other similar books for inspiration, and attend a writing workshop,… (the DOING)

Now before you read on, what do you think maybe potential things that go into the BEING?

  • In order to have a daily writing routine, Kim wants to be disciplined

  • To create an inspiring work environment: creative

  • reading other books for inspiration: curious

  • attending a writing workshop: committed

  • the actual writing of the book: seeing herself as a writer

You can also look at it the other way, in order to be curious, what could you do? Or if you want to be disciplined in regards to writing a book, what actions need to take place?

Finding the sweet spot between being and doing will not only get you to reach your goals but also a lot quicker. You start moving with purpose and being with intention.

What do you want to do and who do you need to be to do so?

Send me a message to start a conversation or leave a comment below to share your wisdom with others.

NamaStay BEING and DOING


Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


Working backward to move forward


Stepping into my authenticity