Stepping into my authenticity

Josephine Dumont, Leadership and Mindset Coach


Every now and then I like to remind myself of the journey I have been on and how far I have come already. 

When looking back at ~2 years ago I was pretty much a broken human, entertaining a facade that wasn’t really me, basically lying to myself that everything is ok but also to others.

I am not ashamed of it, rather I feel compassion for the human, trying to survive and find a way out of what felt like eternal hell.

I knew something had to change, I knew I will get out of it, the only thing missing was the how

Luckily the how presented itself in my mentor and coach back then.

She reminded me of who I am, what my values are, what I truly enjoy doing, and what I want to achieve in this world.

Together with her, I got back in touch with my authenticity, and I felt encouraged to take back my power.

It was scary, it was big, but it was necessary!!!

Leaving behind a toxic relationship and workplace and starting afresh ain’t easy, but I had this inner knowing of “I deserve more than this, I deserve to be happy!”

So I cut loose some bonds that held me back and didn’t serve me any longer.

I took the leap because I knew better things are to come, and the only way to allow them into my life is by letting go of the ties.

I started my coaching journey, found my life purpose, found new love, found happiness, found fulfilment, and found myself again.

Though I would say I not only found myself, I also reinvented myself into who I really am and am supposed to be.

Now, fast forward, I am still working on many challenges with my coach because in order to be a great coach for you, I got to do the work myself.

I got to keep working on and reinventing myself so I can show you what is possible.

I am not afraid to walk the talk, I seek the discomfort of growth because I know this is the only way up and forward.

And I SO know you can do this too, you can change your life 360 degrees, you can reinvent yourself and claim your authenticity!

If this speaks to you, if this makes your heart tingle, or if this makes you feel a little scared, reach out, and let’s have a conversation :)

Let’s go on this life-changing journey together!!! 

NamaStay myself


Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


Finding balance in DOING and BEING


How to learn to trust yourself