Finding meaning in the journey

You need to hear about this mistake people often make when it comes to goals:

They don’t enjoy or find meaning in the journey.

The idea is “only when I got x I will be happy”
“Only once I reached goal y, will I be fulfilled”

But if they don’t find joy and meaning in the process how is the outcome supposed to bring them that?

There may be a temporary wave of good emotions, but it will pass as soon as there is the next goal and they are miserable again because they attach their happiness to outcomes only.

If you want to get out of this spiral, you got to learn to be happy now. Learn to enjoy the process and the work you put in. Then fully celebrate your accomplishments with the excitement of what’s to come next!

Yes, sometimes we got to do work we may not want to. But we can change our perception, of the work itself (if possible), or find a different way of dealing with it so we can spend more time on the work we ACTUALLY enjoy doing.

If you have goals and want to reach them fast and with joy, I am your woman.

I am here to help you achieve what you are longing for with joy along the process.

If you are ready to lean in, apply here for your coaching program and get the ball rolling.

NamaStay joyful

Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


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