My 1 best tip to be forgiving, yet still stand up for your values

Mindset Coach Josephine Dumont

So often we keep holding grudges against those who hurt, betrayed, lied to us.

What we don’t realise is, that this costs a lot of energy and mindspace. Freeing yourself from the grudges frees up energy to #focus in good things you want to grow in your life as well as mind space to allow those good things in.

We can heal and move on

What is important to understand is that forgiving someone does not have to mean allowing them back into your life nor accepting their behaviour as being ok. It is simply an act of freeing yourself from them and the negative energy it brings to you. It’s an act of selflove and care and honouring your time and energy.

So here is my number one tip:

Find what you are grateful for in this experience.
>>What is the gift that you can take away and implement to make your life better?

If you can find gratitude for what this has been teaching you, you will find peace.

Where there is true gratitude, there is no space for grudges or hate.

Again this does not mean, we fully accept and let go of bad behaviour. But we are grateful for the lesson, and can still stand our ground and honour our values from a much better place.

What grudges can you let go of today and what are you grateful for in this experience?

More than happy to talk this through with you in my dms, you are always welcome

NamaStay grateful

Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


Finding meaning in the journey


The beauty of reflecting