How to recondition your mind

Take a look at the thoughts you have throughout the day and reflect on how often you may tell yourself:

“I am not good enough”
“It has to be perfect!”
“I have to work hard to prove myself”

Ask yourself, are they actually true?

Most likely, no, they are lies from our saboteurs.

To recondition your mind, rephrase the statements into empowering and uplifting ones.

“I am worthy”
“My work is more than good enough”
“Resting allows me to be more productive”

Read and write these statements over and over again.

Believe them and make them true for yourself.

Because you too are allowed to live a happy life, full of love for yourself and in balance and less stress.

Retrain your brain, to more positivity and better wellbeing

And if you have question marks in your eyes, text me and I will personally help you out :)

NamaStay worthy

Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


What I learned from reading “Twelve and a Half” by Gary Vaynerchuk


To unfollow, unfriend and unfamily is okay!