Debunking Coaching-Myths

It often saddens me to hear about the negative perception some people have of coaching. Even more so when I hear that they have never tried it just because of what they heard from others. This is a shame because coaching is an incredibly powerful space to be in, it can be life-changing and help you to truly unlock that next-level you. At least that’s what I experienced and that’s what I deliver to my clients. But that leads me to myth #1.

Myth 1: Coaches got their qualification from a $7-course online and then offer over-priced sessions that don’t help at all.

Yes, there are indeed those people out there who really aren’t qualified enough to coach and are just in for the money and don’t actually care about the people they work with. But there are incredibly amazing and deeply caring coaches out there too. And you can always check for their qualifications and ask where they did their training. If you want to be even more on the safe side, make sure they are ICF accredited (like me and have at least ACC as their title). Because this means they have undergone extensive training, were tested, and had to go through supervision and exams to get to that point. Or you look out for reviews and what other people are saying about the coach you are interested in working with.

Myth 2: Coaching is just for the unmotivated or people who are struggling

Contrary to popular belief, coaching is not just for those who are feeling unmotivated or are struggling In fact, coaching can help highly successful people to become even more successful by helping them to reach their full potential. Coaching can help to pinpoint areas where goals and achievements may be lacking or where personal improvements and changes can be made to improve their skills, reach their goals, or maximise their potential.

Myth 3: It’s Expensive

Yep, coaching can be expensive if you want to look at it from a simply monetary perspective. But this is because those coaches know the value of the transformation you go through in their programs and the prices are also dependent on the type of clients they usually work with or the areas in which they are experts. Coaching can help you achieve your goals, increase your confidence, and improve your overall quality of life. There are ways to get access to coaching in a more cost-effective way via charities or other organisations that pool a group of coaches together. This is a safer route to go than googling the cheapest coach because then you will most likely end up with someone who might actually not be qualified enough. At the same time, trust that the coach you want to work with puts the pricing as is for a reason. That was their decision. Your decision is to decide which coach you want to go with and the coach trusts you are empowered enough to make that call for yourself.

So I hope this helped you to have a slightly different picture of coaches and this amazing profession. I wouldn’t have thrown out my career in finance if I didn’t deeply believe in this work! :D

If you are curious about working with me, why not reach out via


Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


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