The benefits of emotions at the workplace

Josephine Dumont, Mindset Coach

In the fast-paced and often demanding world of leadership (or just the workplace in general actually), emotions are frequently regarded as distractions that should be left at the doorstep of the office (or outside of the Zoom call). However, as a Coach working with female leaders or aspiring leaders from all over the world, I firmly believe that emotions hold a vital place in the workplace. Rather than suppressing or ignoring emotions, embracing emotional intelligence can empower anyone in the workplace, including you, fostering stronger connections, enhancing decision-making, and driving the overall success of the team and company.

When I first entered the workforce many many years ago, I was shocked by how robotic everyone seemed. Now over 10 years later I am even more shocked that this hasn’t changed much over time (which is also why I am doing what I do now, there is a big need for disruption). If anything, now that so much is happening over Zoom it seems it is even more rare to build authentic connections with others. And my clients experience that too, feeling distant from the team, not seen or heard, and misunderstood. But I have to say, “no wonder” if you don’t make the effort either in sharing and building the connection. In a relationship, it takes two to relate to one another. It doesn’t just happen to you, it is more like a “with you”.

And when it comes to emotions, they actually serve as the bridge that connects you on a deeper level with others. People who understand and express their emotions create an environment that encourages open communication and vulnerability. Especially when you as a leader share your own emotional experiences, it humanises them, making them relatable to your teams. This authenticity leads to trust, stronger teamwork, and a sense of belonging among employees.

In addition, emotions provide valuable insights that can influence decision-making. Tapping into your emotional intelligence enables you to make decisions that resonate with your values and align with the needs of your team. Emotions act as intuitive signals, guiding you towards choices that encompass the bigger picture and long-term impact. By integrating both rational analysis and emotional awareness, you can make decisions that are balanced and holistic.

Emotions are also powerful drivers of motivation and innovation. Think back to a moment you were so excited about a project and the way you were talking about it just ignited something in others to join, help out or contribute. They got a glimmer of your fire in the form of passion and enthusiasm and it ignited their own motivation. So don’t shy away from openly expressing your excitement for a project, a challenge, or a new initiative that can inspire your team members to invest their best efforts. Furthermore, emotions can spark innovative thinking. By embracing a range of emotions, from frustration to inspiration, you might encourage creative problem-solving and fresh perspectives.

Last but not least, I am sure you know that effective communication lies at the heart of successful leadership. Emotions provide nuances that words alone cannot convey. If you are attuned to your emotions you can communicate with empathy and understanding, fostering a sense of connection with your team members. Moreover, acknowledging and addressing emotions within a team can preempt conflicts and facilitate healthy discussions, leading to better collaboration and productivity.

So here is my challenge for you: Over the next two weeks try to embrace more emotions at the workplace and see the reactions of the people around you.

With love,

Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


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