Love, sun & street-food

Josephine Dumont, Leadership Coach, Mindset Coach

Thailand we haven’t seen enough yet!

We spent two weeks in beautiful Thailand, mesmerized by Bangkok’s size, exploring the streets in Chiang Mai and charging up on sunrays and street food in Phuket.

The time went by in a blast, yet I stretched out each and every moment of it for as long as possible, to feel all there is to feel and to just be and exist. With little to no internet access on my phone and no work commitments, I got to truly take in the softness of the sand on Maya beach, be stunned by the colours of mother nature, and feel the sunshine on my skin (sometimes too literally as I got a nasty sunburn on my back, hiding underneath my clothing in the exact picture you can see here).

Being back in good old England now, I am left with a deep appreciation for many things. The possibility of travel, the incredible beauty of this planet, easy access to vegan foods in the UK, connections to people I love, my work, and and and. But if there was one thing above anything else that was very present with me whilst traveling and is, even more, manifesting now, it must be my love for life and excitement for life.

Love, because of having a chance to experience all of this amazingness and magic. And excitement for what more is out there, what else can be explored and uncovered, what other incredible souls can be met, the lives that can be changed through my work, and all the cat-friends I yet have to make. (We quite literally lived by the motto of “petting a cat a day, keeps the doctor away”.)

And I want to carry on this feeling and awe for life, let it flow into my day-to-day, and work to make it even more meaningful and let it hit deep. I want to live from the core, not the surface.

How about you?

NamaStay Happy


Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


My current take on self-love


My takeaways from “Atomic Habits” by James Clear