My expert tips for dealing with Imposter Syndrome

First things first: You are not weak for speaking about what you are experiencing. Vulnerability is one if not the greatest strength there is and is a key driver in changing outdated systems in society (which btw is at least half of the reason more women than men are affected by Imposter Syndrome!).

So by sharing and speaking up you automatically are a driver for change and that’s admirable.

Here are my expert tips on overcoming Imposter Syndrome, but I want one thing to be clear before we dive in: there is no quick fix, this takes consistent work and no one can do it for you. Like all change and shifts, it starts from within. Do note, these points only tackle what is in your control.

  1. Become extra aware of when you are experiencing fear of being called out, or feeling not good enough or valuable enough. The more awareness you have the more opportunities you will find to practice a new experience!

  2. Name all the emotions (use an emotions wheel if you need help) and write out the exact thoughts you are having, for example: ”I shouldn’t be this successful, I don’t know sh!t!”. Then ask yourself if all of these thoughts are really true. They’re probably not.

  3. Release these thoughts and beliefs, you might even burn the piece of paper or rip it to really emphasise that they hold no more power over you. Then take a new piece of paper and write new beliefs to replace them: ”I know I am capable and smart, I deserve to be here and do what I do and I trust myself”.

  4. Set your intention to live and be with this new setting and new program. On a daily basis collect proof that you are incredibly smart and capable of doing what you do. Celebrate your wins, learn from setbacks, share your experience, and be kind to yourself.

  5. Repeat these steps whenever you notice the thoughts popping up. It can also be in your imagination. It’s a continuous cycle of acknowledging, releasing, replacing, and living. It might not ever fully disappear but know that that’s normal. It sure will get easier, but as you grow and evolve so will your circumstances, and new challenges might arise. But now you have the tools, to overcome those too.

These are tools for life ❤️

With love Josi

P.S. This post is in honour of the upcoming World Mental Health Day 2023 on the 10/10/2023

P.P.S. If you want to speak to someone about your experiences with IS, I’m more than happy to simply offer an ear to listen, just so it might make you feel a little less alone with this

Book a free 15-minute call with me to celebrate this year’s World Mental Health Day - only valid for October!

Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


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