Some late-night thoughts about having a coach.

This might sound contradictory but hear me out. Having a coach is absolutely wonderful, it has helped me discover many many blindspots and accelerate on my journey as business owner and coach.

But it is equally as important to also never forget that you yourself are capable. You are not totally lost or helpless without a coach or when your coach may not be available right now.

If things done go as planned, what will you do? Throwing everything out of the window and bury your face in ben & jerrys whilst debating if maybe you should cast for that dating show to make it?

As the empowered and self-trustingwoman that I know you are the likelihood of you giving up ain’t even there. You would go out there and make the best out of it after you worked through the emotions (and maybe one evening of icecream and drama tv application considerations).

You know how to pull yourself out, you know things will get better again. You know you will keep going and trying again.

Having a coach is a brilliant way to accelerate your journey, but it stays your journey and your responsibility to keep on moving forward, carving your path.

Never forget that you are the key to unlocking your dream life. You.

Not your coach, family, partner, a stranger in the street offering you a mil cash on the hands or the lottery.

It’s you.

I believe in you, do you?

With love,


If you want to take things into your own hands and are more of the self-led type, yet still fancy some guidance along the way, my signature digital course Self-Discovery 101 fits the vibe check. Click the button below to get started.

Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


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Birthday reflections