Our thoughts create our feelings create our life

Josephine Dumont

3 min Thought-Provoker

Fundamental truth right here and so important to understand:

Whatever we experience in life starts with a thought. Only if we understand this properly, we can take action and “re-write” our thinking patterns that cause certain feelings that influence our actions, ie experiences of life.

For example:

Before you go into the office you THINK “gosh, what a horrible day, I got so many meetings and no time to do any real work.”

So you already FEEL miserable about the day and are in a low mood.

Several ACTIONS can take place, you self-sabotage your day so that it “fulfills” your prediction, you distract yourself from the real work you wanted to do and avoid it.

Which makes you feel even worse and you end up in a rabbit hole.

So the question to you here is:

What thought could you think instead, in order to break out of the cycle and have a productive and joyful day at work?

Let me know down below, or reach out for a chat and coffee :)

NamaStay Happy



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Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


Time to train your sage


Not Knowing is Ok