Not Knowing is Ok

Josephine Dumont

3 min Thought-Provoker

Way too often we think we have to be experts right at the beginning of starting something new. We need to know it all and be great and if we don't live up to this unrealistic standard we beat ourselves up.

Let's practice kindness towards ourselves, especially in work environments(!), and enjoy the process of learning and being human and not a machine :)

And if you are a manager, remember people might approach a new role with this mindset, so it's important to create an environment where everyone feels like they can ask the questions and not knowing is ok.

What are you forgiving yourself for not knowing today?
Let me know down below in the comments section or reach out and we can have a chat :)

NamaStay Happy



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Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


Our thoughts create our feelings create our life


A bad day is a matter of perspective