Pushing limits physically and mentally!

Josephine Dumont, Mindset Coach

If you ever wondered what I am up to in my free time:

I love lifting heavy weights.

Over 4 years I ago I fell in love with this sport after searching and trying different sports for years and years. I joke sometimes about how many different things I tried: kickboxing, horseback riding, swimming, karate, ballet, running, ice skating, and more. But nothing ever really stuck with me, for several reasons including simply not liking it (running) or being too self-conscious about my body (swimming).

But in 2018 I got hooked because I found something to push my limits and go beyond what I ever even thought was possible. Also highly inspired by the sheer strength of one of my now best friends. I admired (still do) her passion and incredible strength in the gym. She taught me the ways and eased my way into it with personal training until I felt comfortable enough to go on my own.

At first, I thought 60kg is a lot to squat, for example, my thoughts precisely were: “Damn I can squat more than I weigh!” This last week I managed a new personal best record of 92.5kg. and damn am I proud of it.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean to brag, I am telling you this story because even 90kg seemed like a goal so far away back then. It seemed almost impossible and I couldn’t really imagine squatting that weight. It scared me, and yet I kept on working hard, increasing the weight slowly but steadily, and here we are 4 years later.

This is the beauty of consistency in combination with doing something you love. Yes, there were big setbacks of injuries or even harder was the period of gyms being closed due to Covid. All I could do was try my best at home, find new outlets of energy in running (still don’t like it), and do yoga. It wasn’t a smooth journey, but necessary to prove to myself that journeys aren’t always exactly like a straight line.

The key to reaching your goals anyway is, to keep going, not give up, and to make it a habit, something you have to have in your life. Fitness and weightlifting are a huge part of my life now. It shaped and improved my mindset in so many ways and I will never again want to miss it.

Very often when talking to my coach during sessions we talked about my “gym mindset”. If I can apply this to anything else, for example, writing, I know I will be unstoppable.

This mindset I have built throughout the years consists of resilience, strength, passion, and most importantly NO EXCUSES.

Even if I have to take a break because I got sick, I know I will get back to it. I will never sleep on it or procrastinate going to the gym. I love the feeling of pushing myself and growing stronger way too much.

It’s a perfect example of growth, just in a very physical sense. But what would happen if we can apply this to how we think and feel?

Imagine, you were to train your brain this way, to open it up to more possibilities to what society and standards want you to think is possible.

Imagine you have full control over how you experience life because you have control of your thoughts. Your thought pattern and brain are trainable, like your body (which totally makes sense because it is part of your body, wouldn’t you agree?).

This is your sign to go to the gym, physically AND mentally.

Learn how to build your own mindset that is resilient, strong, and confident. Make it unshakable.

You may think this is impossible, but let me prove you wrong and be open to the opposite possibility.

The first best step towards achieving it?

My Mental Fitness Bootcamp!

If you read this far and want to change the way you think, feel, and live send me a message with the words “unshakeable mindset” for a 10% discount on the program!

Let’s do this!

NamaStay getting stronger


Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


You are the captain of your ship and the master of your sea.


Stop wasting time when it comes to your mental wellbeing