Stop wasting time when it comes to your mental wellbeing

Josephine Dumont, Mindset Coach

I had to learn this the hard way myself, as it needed for me to burn out to realise what I was doing to myself as well as reaslising that despite the workload or all the other external expectations that have been placed upon me it is STILL in MY control!

Getting out of this burnout and recovering from it, and preventing another one to happen is fully in your control. Yes, there may be external levers that play a part, but that doesn’t mean that you are helpless. It means you make them in your mind more powerful than you are.

And let me tell you this, in your life, you yourself are the most powerful, always.

Your previous thoughts, behaviours, habits, and decisions got you to where you are today.

Your current thoughts, behaviours, habits, and decisions will get you to where you will be tomorrow and in the future.

It all comes down to you, so to get out of something that doesn’t suit you, drains your energy, and makes you feel stuck or unhappy, you have to decide to do so.

Reclaim your power over your life.

Regain control over your experience of life.

Relearn the power of your mind, strengthen your mindset and get out of what you have put yourself in.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not trying to blame here, but way too often we are stuck in this victim mentality that everything has happened to us and we can’t get out, we exhausted our options and there is nothing else we can do except for accepting it and push through, even if it costs us our mental, physical and spiritual health.

But we do need to understand this hard yet beautiful truth, that it is still down to us.

You have what you need to get out of an unhappy relationship.

To make amends in a job that requires too much of you.

To get healthy and work out again.

You have everything you need within you, all you need to do is to believe this very fact AND that you absolutely can change it.

Train your mindset that this is possible for you too, you can be happy, healthy, and balanced.

More importantly, you are ALLOWED to!

And the key to this process is to start as early as possible. As soon as you realise you are not well or feel unhappy, notice it and do something about it.

Do not waste time until this one project is out of the way, do not waste time until the new year to start a new healthy habit. There are many reasons why you should start now, the perfect moment is now.

This may sound tough but you may not be here anymore by then, you may feel worse and the damage that needs healing is more severe, costing you more time after to get better again.

In your life, you should be your own utmost priority and serve yourself first, so you can serve others.

So you can follow your purpose, do what you are called to do, be a great friend, partner, colleague and so much more.

If you still believe this is impossible, too hard, selfish, or whatever other reason you are right now telling yourself as to why you can’t have this, use this as a quick WAKE-UP call, click this link and schedule a taster coaching session.

Stop waiting and wasting time, take your life into your hands again, and let’s talk about how coaching can help you.

I have been through this, and I am here for you, and I believe in you.

You can!

This is your permission.

NamaStay selfcaring


Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


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