One of the biggest mistakes people make, and then regret later in their life

>> They did not listen to their inner calling. <<

They regret not having taken the leap or risk. and they mourn not knowing if…


Because they ignored what really matters most to them and instead tried to live up to outside expectations.
Because they followed extrinsic motivation versus intrinsic.
They attached their success to external achievements and what seemed correct for societal standards but not their own.

Remember you have only this one life.

You are here to live your purpose.

And your purpose is your inner calling, what lights you up, your passion, what you are great at, and what you love.

Do one little thing every day that connects you to your purpose.

Set intentions that are aligned with it and also honour your values, your inner compass.

You can start right now and today, you have full permission to take this one step.

And to take the next tomorrow.

Imagine where it will take you 3 months from now, or 6?

What will open up for you, what will change, what will you have accomplished by then?

You have full permission to live your purpose.

If you struggle with knowing what your purpose is, or holding yourself accountable because you keep procrastinating and avoiding it, send me a message and learn more about how I can support you.

NamaStay with purpose

Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


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