5 Learnings from the book “The Art of Resilience” by Ross Edgley
Beginning of this year I promised myself to read at least 12 books, which makes 1 book a month. I have to admit I am playing a little bit of catch-up right now, but am halfway there!
One of the books that have been sitting on my audible account for way too long was “The Art of Resilience” by Ross Edgley. I clearly missed out on some powerful gems of lessons about what it takes to have an unbreakable mind and body.
In this post I want to focus mainly on the mindset lessons, because they resonated the most with me in terms of what I believe in as well as the new insight I gained and can now include in my practice as a Mindset Coach.
Here we go:
When it comes to training in general, you cannot neglect the mind. For humans to function at their best, they have to train both, the body and the mind.
Control the controllable and accept the uncontrollable. So many things are simply out of our hands, yet we over-worry about them and try to control what we actually can’t only to end up being unhappy about the situation and outcomes.
This feeds into this next point: wish for events to happen exactly as they do. Everything happens for a reason, we always get to learn and grow from a situation and if we focus on the gift of everything as is, we can live a fulfilled life. This does not mean, not being allowed to change the life we live, but more to appreciate the journey whilst working towards something new.
You can endure anything your mind CAN THINK it to be endurable. Our thoughts are so incredibly powerful and basically, determine how we perceive and experience our whole life. If you decide you can endure something, you can.
My favorite lesson: You must create your own blueprint if attempting the impossible. You got to be your own trailblazer to go where no one has gone before and no one but you can go. If you want growth, jump outside the box and explore according to your instinct.
I think what this book puts together nicely, is that our mind is THE MOST powerful tool we have as human beings. If we understand how it works, and train and strengthen it, nothing can break us.
We may still go through challenging times and feel awful, but with a strong mindset, we will always be able to see through the end, not give up and keep going.
This is what I have been passionate about literally my whole life and what I can help you to foster and grow as well.
As your Mindset Coach, I help you to break through limiting beliefs and sharpen your tools to tackle life challenges with less stress and anxiety.
Master your mindset today, apply here.
NamaStay mentally strong
JD’s rating: 9/10