Stepping into your power
The intention of this short but spicy article is to help you understand that
1. you have all the resources you need to make this one life the best one possible already within you
2. Even if you may have not yet truly experienced those powers, you CAN unlock them
Stepping into your power means that you realise that you are absolutely capable and that it (whatever IT is) is possible for you too. It does not say ANYWHERE that you can’t be a certain where or not achieve what you are desiring to achieve. YOu alone make the rules of this game called life. And remember we have only one shot at it, so why wouldn’t we get all the “cheat codes” out to simply ace this game and fly through it with joy, ease, and freedom to be who we want to be?
The only limitations that you are facing are the ones within yourself, everything else is literally open to you. No is never a definite answer unless you accept it to be true. A Yes may never be an opportunity if you stand in your own path.
I often read that we aren’t actually afraid of the possibility of failure, but rather of how great we can be.
We are afraid of our own greatness, because it may not “fit in”, “it’s not what others do”, or because it’s not “normal”.
But again, Y O U D E C I D E what fitting in means to you, what normal means to you, Y O U D E C I D E what to do, and you have all the right to do it your way because this is your life. Stepping into your power means allowing yourself to evolve into the version of yourself that you are meant to be since birth.
It is your birthright to be great.
So make your decision here and now:
Who are you meant to be?
What legacy do you want to leave behind?
What do you want to be known and remembered for?
Then think of the qualities you already have that can help you get there, as well as the abilities you may still need to unlock, think about how your best version behaves, lives, breathes, walks, eats, talks, and works. How will you be your best self?
Next, start behaving that way and practice it, take small steps, one day at a time. Allow yourself to take time, there is no need for quick fixes and fast results. They will come, consistency and continuous practice are your fail-proof way of making it.
This is you unlocking your full potential.
This is you shining at your brightest.
This is you making this world a better place.
You are needed, and you are loved.
Because you ARE.