The leaps & risks I will never regret!

Josephine Dumont, Mindset Coach

Sometimes I need to remind myself of how many leaps and risks I have taken.
More often than not it is others who are like:

“Damn you really did that? That’s amazing”

I used to just brush it off because it didn’t seem as big of a deal to me. But now I am realising and learning how proud I can be of myself for doing it.

For following my intuition, believing in myself, and trailblazing my own path on this planet.

I never was and never will be one that fits in a box nicely defined by society. Even when I tried super hard myself, it didn’t work because I got frustrated by its boundaries and restrictions. I highly value freedom and independence, being able to let my creative juices flow and my personality shine through everything I do.

Here are a few examples of some of the biggest leaps I have taken in my life (and damn was I scared doing so, but also DAMN it paid out!)

1. Moving abroad 2.5x
>> I moved to the UK, Finland, and back to the UK and left my old life, friends, and family behind to follow my dreams.

Yes, it’s scary to have to build up a new life somewhere else, but I saw more opportunity in it than staying where I was!

2. Breaking the chains to toxic family members/patterns
>> For years I tried to fit in, to play the game, and to make my parents happy, all at the cost of my own happiness.

At the age of 25, I finally had the courage to cut myself free of incredible toxicity and psychological terror.
For the first time, I truly chose myself. And I am so proud of it!

3. Ending a 12-year relationship because I knew I deserve more
>>and that was shortly after the wedding that I finally realised, I deserve a better life than this.

I deserve to be loved for exactly who I am, not be judged or constantly pulled down into negativity. It took an incredible amount of courage to leave something behind I lived for so long. But life is too short to be unhappy. And I had to free myself to find that happiness (which I gladly can confirm, I found within myself and in new love)

4. Leaving behind a great career in Finance, a stable income, and the safety of being employed to build my own business and follow my passion
>>it needed me to burn out and go through a period of depression to realise I did not feel fulfilled at my job anymore. I was longing to be able to add value to people, and that my work had meaning.

So, I took the leap and started my coaching training with one of the best institutes worldwide (CTI). And then it was time to leave the safety and security of corporate. Time, to venture out on my own and create a business where I can support others in a way that changes their lives.

And to hear the feedback from my amazing clients proves to me again and again that I made the right choice!

I guess what I am trying to say is, take the leap or the risk. Dare to break out of the ordinary. This is the only way you can make things out of the unordinary happen.

If you need a partner in crime in your mission, a cheerleader to keep you going, and a kickass coach to get you out of your comfort zone, schedule your taster session, and dare to live a new life!

NamaStay ME


Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


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