The treasures of “Big Magic” from Elizabeth Gilbert

Josephine Dumont, Leadership Coach, Mindset Coach

This truly is a go-to book for me when I feel low on creative energy or when I just need a reminder of how powerful it feels when stepping into my creativity (in whichever form or shape).

It certainly is not only for artsy people, but truly anyone who wants to create in any, or better, their own way. May it be writing, speaking, painting, crafting, designing, cooking, baking, planning, playing, etc.

To me, this book is like a couple-hour-long motivational speech with personal examples or stories and insights to help you start creating. I especially love her emphasis on the importance of each and every one of us creating in our most authentic way, meaning whatever brings us true joy, what we are curious about and feel drawn to create, is what this world needs and wants to see.

Here are my top 5 lessons learned:

  1. Creative living is a path for the brave

    So have the courage to bring forth the treasure within you, and don’t let fear stop you from making this world a better place with your very own creations. If everyone would succumb to their fear, not only wouldn’t we be where we are today, but also life would be boring, grey, and too safe, without adventures and explorations. So this is your invitation to not build your identity on fear, you are far too creative to let that happen or stop you.

  2. Allow yourself to create without being an expert

    Instead, have fun and joy experimenting when creating, follow where your inspiration and curiosity takes you, and listen to that forward pull in your heart space. It is in your nature to create because you are alive. Once you die, there is no more time to create anything, so make the best out of the time you have and give it a shot.

  3. Be the one who is talking, not your saboteurs

    If this negative voice creeps in and says “who do you think you are that you can do something like that or be someone like this?” or “It’s probably been done already…”, counter it with wit and cheekiness “Well, let me tell you actually, I am…” or “But not yet by me!”. Once you push through these voices, a new world opens up and the universe aligns with you to send you all the signs, opportunities, and more that you need on your creative adventure.

  4. Create inspiration, don’t wait for it to hit you

    A synonym for inspiration in my eyes should actually be consistency. Meaning, keeping on showing up, even on days you don’t feel like it, and still keeping on creating. For me personally, that would mean, to still show up and write, it doesn’t have to be a full perfect chapter of a book, it is enough if it is a blogpost or some scribbles of thoughts that may never be published. What matters is that I showed up to the meeting with inspiration, even if she has a bad day, instead of waiting and not doing anything until inspiration screams at my face and says “COME ON!”.

  5. Your creativity is your compass through life

    Trust that what you want to create is because you are the one to create it. Even if it was done before, you haven’t done it yet. Even if it is scary and you don’t know everything about it yet, that means it will help you grow and teach you the lessons needed. Even if you don’t feel like it, trust that your consistency pays off, every practice repetition pays off and the universe will listen and align more opportunities with you as you go along the way. Being creative in your very personal way, is you actually stepping into your essence, your authentic and best self. And that my dear reader, is what you are here to do and who you are here to be.

So if you have felt stuck in your creative pursuit, give this book a listen, get clear on what you want to create, and start creating. If you feel like you need personal support or maybe your saboteurs are too strong, why not work with me?

Check out my offers, and ignite your creative engines today (it is never too late!)



JD’s rating: 10/10

Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


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