Celebrating Role models - create your Being Tag

Josephine Dumont, Leadership and Mindset Coach

It is International Women’s Day! (Whoop Whoop)!

In honour of this day, I want to talk about role models and help you learn how you can also use them to evolve into the best version of yourself.

When I started my coaching journey with the co-active Training Institute we explored the being tag as a possible way to step outside the known worlds of the comfort zone and towards a persona or energy we aspire to be like or to channel and use more in our lives.

We were then asked to coach from that energy to truly experience how it can change our current view of doing and being. I truly loved the exercise and it highly aligned with my strong belief that we have to be an energetic match for what we desire. Whether that is in terms of evolving as a person, manifesting job opportunities, or money. For whatever we want in life, we have to align our energy, and our being with that new state. Once we believe we can be that way, we will change.

This also is aligned with what Dr. Joe Dispenza explains in his work, we create our reality with our thoughts that turn into feelings that cause action. And there are so much more different ways to look at this, that all aim for the same:

Reprogram and train your mind and body, to evolve into your best self.

Coming back to the being tag, back then my chosen being-tag of choice was Miley Cyrus. Why? Because I admire her confidence, that she doesn’t give a f*ck what others think, her bravery to break out of the cage society has put on her, her support and love for animals or the LGBTQ+ community, that she is not afraid to leave behind what doesn’t serve her (remember her short marriage to Liam Hemsworth? Sidenote: I left behind a toxic relationship too because I knew I deserve more and more specifically real authentic love that helps me grow and doesn’t put me down). Anyway, she was and still is a big role model for me in many aspects.

Every now and then I still do like to channel this kind of energy, mostly in moments when my saboteurs might creep up and give me those moments of doubt. When in this energy, I am being unapologetic, confident, and certain that my path is the right one as long as my intuition tells me to walk it. It helps me to keep going, snap out of it and leave behind my saboteurs who try to manipulate me and keep me small. They fear the outside of their comfort zone because that is where the growth happens, that is where you can meet your truest and best version of yourself.

It’s where you can unlock your potential.

Here is a small exercise that you can do, in order to find and tap into your Being Tag, it doesn’t take long and you can try it right here and now (if you are already reading this anyway, why put it off until somewhen else?)

  1. Think of an aspect in life you want to improve, a quality you want to get better at, something you want to change/start/stop

  2. What kind of energy do you need in order to get there? Can you think of a person, character, animal, or something else that represents this kind of energy for you?

  3. Tune into this energy, feel it with every inch of your body, maybe even dress up as this role model or find an object or picture that helps you remember this feeling

  4. Practice this Being Tag every day or in any situation, you may need it, tune into the emotions and embody them to the best of your abilities, allow yourself to go all in, be crazy and dare to step outside your comfort zone.

Every day is a new opportunity to step into this new version of yourself, every day you will get closer to your very own interpretation of it and therefore your best self!

I would love to hear your Being Tags, feel free to leave a comment below, or reach out to me via email, we can always just have a chat or virtual coffee.

Imagine what Miley Cyrus and your Being Tag could create together. ;)



Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


And then I got certified…


The treasures of “Big Magic” from Elizabeth Gilbert