We are all leaders

Josephine Dumont, Mindset Coach, Leadership Coach

A lesson I only fully grasped recently is, that even if we do not have a traditional role as (people) leaders at a company, we actually still are leaders. We are leaders of our lives by setting goals and a purpose and working towards it. We first and foremost lead ourselves and our life.

By doing this we inspire others along the way with our passion, some may be drawn to try a new program at work because of you, and others like how you disciplined you are when going to the gym and feel therefore motivated to go as well. Even if it’s just one day.

Our being alone is proof of us being leaders as we lead our life towards what we seem as worth striving towards.

And we are in full control of where we are going, how we get there, and what we experience along the way.

“Why?”, you may ask.

Because in the end it always comes down to a decision from our side, even if it is an opportunity presented to us by someone else. It is up to us to make the final call, and lead toward the direction to go. It is up to you to say yes or no, to show up or to let go and move away, to start something, to finish something, to ask for help, or do it alone.

Your life is where you will always be in the driving seat, leading the way.

To me personally, this realisation has expanded how I view certain things and especially myself in this grand scheme of life:

  1. I am taking full responsibility for where I am in life.

  2. I have more trust in myself, and my intuition and know that following my purpose is the right way to go

  3. I allow myself to be priority number one in my life

Tapping into my role as the leader of my life changes my perspective from “life happens to me” to “I make life happen”. It is empowering, reassuring, and inspiring to know no one else is in the driver’s seat in my life, there may be others hopping onto the car for parts of the journey, but they also have their own one and it may drive somewhere else or the same direction.

You may be sharing the driver’s seat for parts of your life with someone as you move together toward a common goal (for example parenthood or business partners). Here as well, knowing that you together are the leaders, again gives you a sense of safety and control over something that is fully unknown, and together you create something out of it.

You are the creator of your life, you decide whether you make it happen or not, it is up to you whether you succeed or fail at going on the path to your purpose.

If you wander off, it is in your hands to find the way back.

I would like to invite you to ponder these 3 thought-provoking questions:

  • Where are you leading your life to?

  • How are you showing up as a leader in your life?

  • What can you do and who can you be to be a better leader?

Feel free to share your answers with me and we can have a conversation, or just keep it to yourself. However, please do make a commitment to yourself (in whatever shape or form), as to how you can lead your life your way.



Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


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The Art of Letting Go