Where did I go wrong and right?

Josephine Dumont, Mindset Coach, Leadership Coach

This is my 2023 first Quarter Check-In and Reflection on how things are going life and business-wise, to see where I may need to adapt, change my focus, level up, let go, release, heal, talk, connect, and more.

Starting off with celebrations!

I achieved HUGE milestones that are worthy of even BIGGER celebrations:

  • I am now a Certified Professional Coach: CPCC and ACC!

  • I am a qualified Level 2 Fitness Instructor

  • I dropped out of uni, yet still achieved a Diploma of Higher Education (yes, this is indeed a BIG win)

Ok, these are great positive milestones, but how exactly do they tie into where I went right, let’s take a look:

I learned to trust my abilities as a coach for the oral exam, coached completely from my heart, and used skills like standing up and embodying that normally don’t come naturally to me. It shows me that stepping outside your comfort zone and showing up with who you truly are, trusting your abilities, gets you the wins. I absolutely enjoyed the exam, because of the energy I brought in and my client reciprocated. We were in flow.

The L2 Fitness Instructor Exam wasn’t as smooth or flowy, in all honesty, it was terribly rushed and I felt extra nervous. But where we went right was, that I still pushed through, I didn’t give up and gave my best despite the circumstances, I adapted quickly in a stressful situation and got to the other side, with LOADS of pointers for growth and improvement, but also with a pass. And the feedback I received was great and super helpful for my preparation for the Level 3 Qualification as a Personal Trainer.

Now onto the dropping out of uni-topic, I actually had made the decision already last year, but my university is just extra slow with inquiries so I only now managed to officially start the process. What many may see as a completely wrong turn in any way, (which btw is absolutely fine, you do you, my friend), is in my eyes a huge step towards the liberation of time and resources to do what I really love doing: coaching. I cannot even describe the massive relief in my mind after this decision. All the pressure is gone and with the newly won freedom a cheeky sense of being a rebel (we LOVE being a rebel over here!)

So where did I go wrong?

  • Not being my own best client

  • Overthinking next steps, not getting into action mode quickly enough

  • Yet, pushing myself a lot, especially when it comes to healing and inner work (can’t go quick enough for me)

Deep diving into this reflection, I am now making decisions that align with where I want to go. First up, I am investing in my personal growth and surrounding myself with people who are a couple of steps ahead of me so I can learn from them and normalize their reality for myself. So I invested this week into a business coaching program to learn and grow, and take this to the next level. In addition, I will give myself a maximum of a week for bigger decisions to get into action mode, move forward, fail fast, and adapt as needed. At the same time, I will acknowledge that the healing process may take longer and more effort from my side. As I am practicing metta meditation on a daily I am learning a great deal about kindness towards myself, which is very crucial. Over the years I normalized and integrated being tough on me, now I got to unlearn that to allow more ease and peace in my life.

Totally worth it!

May the next quarter be filled with more quantum leaps, healing, growth but also failures, mistakes and lessons :)



Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


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