Why choose me as your coach?

Not only did I go through the official training and certification program with one of the best coaching training institutes (Co-Active Training Institute ) but I also bring lifelong experiences of out-of-the-box thinking and being to the table.

It took me a while to define my coaching style, but the more I coached and grew the more I learned what my unique strengths are.

I coach wholeheartedly, seeing and celebrating all of my clients.

I coach with lightness and playfulness, because life gets to be like this.

I coach with tough love, because I know my clients are capable of so much more and sometimes a little kick outside the comfort zone is needed.

With me as your coach, you get to level up and reach your goals in a fun and light way. And if it gets tough, you have me by your side, always.

I am rooting for you and celebrating you in all you were, are and will be🔥

If this resonates, wait no longer and trust your intuition to give it a go.

Send me a message to schedule a free taster session to find out more.

After all, coaching can hardly be described, it needs to be experienced.

And why not, if it’s free?🤯

NamaStay coaching

Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


3 key mindset tips that got me to where I am today


30 lessons learned in 30 years