30 lessons learned in 30 years
I turned 30 today, so here are 30 lessons I learned through life🙌🏻
1. Have the courage to go your own path
2. Be loyal and patient, but also have boundaries
3. Love yourself first
4. Trust your intuition
5. Take care of yourself, to be able to take care of others
6. Be positive
7. Don’t complain and do nothing, change it
8. If you want something, work for it
9. Try and fail instead of wait and wonder
10. Confidence is grown in mind and body
11. Try things out until you find what you love
12. It’s never too late to start over
13. You alone can give yourself permission
14. Let go of what doesn’t serve you
15. Be open to seeing things differently
16. Emotions are part of being alive and human
17. Treasure those who treasure you
18. Animals love unconditionally
19. Resting is productive
20. Take accountability for every decision you make, because everything is at your decision
21. You CAN change
22. Master your strengths, be capable at your weaknesses
23. There is always another option
24. Strive for win-win, always
25. There is a whole cake for everyone
26. We all are unique, just alone through existing
27. There is a gift in any situation
28. Growth only happens outside the comfort zone
29. Gratitude is key to happiness
30. I got this!
What are your best life lessons so far?
Let me know in the comments below 👇🏻
NamaStay growing