How to learn to trust yourself
Our relationship with ourselves is the most important we have in our life, too many too often ignore or forget that. And something we can all agree on, I believe, is the importance of trust in relationships. Therefore it is only logical that in order to increase self-trust, confidence, and self-esteem we need to work on our relationship, with us.
This starts with self-awareness, getting to know who we truly are, embracing who we are, and not hiding away or playing a character we think others want us to be. Bending oneself to the advantage of others and what is important to them but not yourself, may cost you your authenticity and cause a disconnection from who you really are and want to be. And therefore you lose trust in yourself.
I have been on this specific journey for a while now, and have come a long way. Though I know there is more ground for me to cover for me. But I wanted to share my key learnings so far, in the hope they make your journey easier.
You already have come far, be proud
Take this as a challenge for you to make a list of at least 10 points about when you were proud of yourself, accomplished something, or when others were inspired by you. Reminding yourself what challenges you already have overcome, or when you stood up for yourself will also remind you that you can indeed do hard things, You are your own best proof.
Connect to your leader within
Explore your inner leader by finding a symbol or idol or something else that comes up for you when thinking about self-authority and self-acceptance. Stepping into the inner leader energy is stepping into your own great inner powers. Find a way (can be a pose, handsign, or small action) to activate your inner leader so you can move ahead with confidence and the deep knowledge that you got this.
Know your values
What is important to you, and what values do you live by? Being aware of what matters most to you (like freedom, safety, love,…) and using this as your inner compass may lead to fulfillment and happiness, but also how to handle certain situations and how to go through life. In addition, being able to fall back on inner resources and knowledge that you have all that you need within you to get you to where you want to be in life is another crucial part of self-trust.
Stick to the promises you make to yourself
Have strong reasons why you made a promise or set a commitment toward yourself, and truly stick to them. Don’t let anyone (or your saboteurs) disorientate you from what you decided is important for you to do or be. Keep on proving to yourself that you can, so you will.
Cultivate positive thoughts and strengthen your positive mindset
The more you are able to change your outlook on life’s challenges, stop overthinking and worrying and trust those good things are here and to come, you are unstoppable.
How do you see self-trust and what has helped you reinforce it?
Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, I always appreciate hearing from my readers!
NamaStay trusting myself