The beauty of reflecting

Have you recently reflected on your journey?

This weekend I am assisting the fundamentals course with CTI.

I have done it myself almost exactly a year ago, still in my old role in corporate as a senior finance professional and still recovering from burnout.

I am a lifelong mindset-enthusiast, I love learning about how we think, what makes a strong mindset and how we can best use the power of our thoughts to create the life we want. And this course kickstarted my drive to turn my passion into a job. I found myself in it, my purpose and I finally saw the path for me on how I can add value to fellow human beings and this world.

Now I have my own coaching business, am almost done with my CPCC certification and am a mental fitness coach with Positive Intelligence and am truly happy and fulfilled, yet still have aspiring goals to work towards with joy.

I have outgrown my baby shoes and am so proud to have chosen and gone this path.

And I am also proud for being a leap-taker, and LEANING IN 100% at that time instead of waiting. The growth, change, and healing that happened this year are immense. And I am so glad I did not wait any longer.

I am glad I stopped waiting, trusted my intuition, and started moving.

No more time wasted.

And here we are.

Take this as a sign to start your personal growth journey, don’t let fear or limiting beliefs hold you back any longer. Dive in with me, lean into your realm of possibilities, BE IN!

The perfect moment is now to reach out and send me a message to learn more.

NamaStay growing


Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


My 1 best tip to be forgiving, yet still stand up for your values


Struggling with making progress? Try trying.