Celebrate and believe in your uniqueness
Yes, there are 7.753 billion human beings on this planet, yet every single one is absolutely unique.
No one has experienced life exactly as you did, no one had the exact same upbringing and acquired the same values and thoughts. Everything that you are is so very different from anyone else. Hence why there is no “oh there are already so many authors, no one would read my story” or “the market is totally satiated so there is no point for me in joining”.
Only you can tell your story as it was, is, and will be.
Only you can produce, market, and sell your product or service the way you do.
And whoever is aligned with your energy and attracted to your story will find you, and see the universe as your marketing agency. All you got to do, is to be your true self and act and live upon your values. And no one can take "being yourself" from you, except yourself!
The beauty of diversity is in the difference, in being your true self. Accept yourself for who you are and be your unique authenticity. Self-acceptance, self-trust, and self-belief are key players in living a fulfilled and happy life, peace of mind, and better more meaningful connections.
As a coach, I help you build that trust so you can build your empire.
Let's get rid of limitations and start expanding!
If you feel called to step into your own powers sneak into my inbox at coffeewithjd.business@gmail.com and claim your free 30-minute Kickstarter in coaching
NamaStay Happy