Change Starts From Within

Josephine Dumont, Mindset coach, Mental Fitness Coach, Coactive Coach, Lifecoach, Thoughtleader, talks about how change starts from within

Do you stand yourself in the way?

You may have the best intentions and work hard to live a fulfilled and happy life.
Yet, you don’t seem to get closer to your goals or stick to the new habits.

Change doesn’t just come from wishing for it.

You have to have the right mindset, be truly willing to change, and then out in the inspired action. The good news is a mindset can be changed and shifted from self-limitation to possibilities!

Let’s say you want to build a habit of exercising regularly to feel more healthy in your body.

First, we got to understand the current thought pattern and habits that keep you from doing so.
Is it because you are bored and need a distraction or because you don’t know how to listen to when your hunger cues are satisfied?

Secondly, what feelings come up the moment you think about the gym?
Are they pleasant or do you connect lots of negative emotions like discouragement?

Last but not least, what actions result from it?

Are you procrastinating and instead of going to the gym you stay home eating another bowl of cereal?

Once you understand this process you can rescript it. By shifting your mindset from negativity to positivity and retraining your brain to use your inner sage energy rather than relying on your saboteurs.

This is not easy, but with the help of a coach, you will have the accountability buddy and extra push to keep you going. Retraining your brain takes time and consistency, but with my boot camp program, you will have the right structure and support to shift your mindset to where you want it to be in order to create long-lasting healthy habits and change.

What new habits do you want to implement in your life?

Schedule your free 30-minute session now and get a bespoke strategy and action plan.

NamaStay Happy
(Josephine Dumont)


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Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


Celebrate and believe in your uniqueness


“Seek first to understand”