How listening to my inner voice changed my life

Josephine Dumont

I always thought I am great at listening to my inner voice and trusting my intuition.

Yet, up to last year there was one area where I absolutely ignored my inner voice:

My past relationship.

I ignored my voice screaming at me to get out of it, because I haven’t been happy for a long time. It was draining, it was toxic, it was no longer right. But I stayed for longer than necessary because I thought about what others may think, that I need to prove a weird point and that things can change.

It took me to get married to realise on THAT day, this is not my “happily ever after”.

It was scary and took a lot of courage, but I no longer could ignore the screams inside me. I had to get into action, otherwise I would be unhappy forever! So I finally listened to my inner voice and decided it’s time to go new paths.

I will never forget that feeling of freedom and knowing that I truly stepped into my own truth, that I broke out of something that didn’t serve me.

This was one of the most powerful moves I have done so far in my life.

I am incredibly proud of myself
I stepped up for myself, my needs and wants, my happiness, my future.
I also swore to myself, I shall never ignore my inner voice like this again!

Fast forward to today, I am incredibly happy with myself and my new relationship ♥️

And I am grateful for what happened because it made me truly connect with myself

If you read this far, thank you, I appreciate you and wish for you that you got something out of my story!

NamaStay true to yourself

Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


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