Struggling with making progress? Try trying.

Quote by Josephine Dumont, Mindset coach, "If you don't step forward... you will always remain at the same place."

Goals don’t become real from just sitting and wishing.

You got to be moving and trying and doing.

Be willing to overcome your fears.

Be willing to push your own limits.

Be willing to try, fail and try again.

Only then, do we move, make progress and grow.

Accepting everything as is and only dreaming of a different level will never get us there.

Whatever it is you want to achieve:
-better career
-weight loss
-more meaningful relationships
-better mental wellbeing
-better leadership skills
- and and and

If you are ready to commit, I will root for you!
If you are ready yo try, I will keep you going!
If you are ready to move, I will celebrate you!

If you are ready to LEAN IN, I am the coach for you.

Say yes to yourself and trying, fail fast, learn, keep moving, get closer to your goals and reach your dreams.

Stop braining about the perfect moment, the permission or when it feels right.

The perfect moment is now.
Give yourself permission now.
Make it feel right now.

If you want to reach your goals, text me “I’m in!” or apply for your preferred coaching program now!

NamaStay trying

Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


The beauty of reflecting


How listening to my inner voice changed my life