I Am. I Can. I Will. End of Story.

Josephine Dumont

Parts of this quote have been accompanying me for years now (some fellow old colleagues may even remember seeing the sign behind me in zoom meetings).

Only recently my coach and I added “I Am.” to it.


To also include the importance of being.

Not only doing.

There needs to be a balance of both otherwise you may never enjoy how it is to be right now and only keep pushing forward.

Or you focus only on what there is right now without direction and inspired action.

We also discussed changing “End of story” to “Start of the story”. But instead of me telling you why, let me ask you some questions to find out for yourself:

What happens when you start a story?

What story would you tell?

What opens up for you?

Use these questions as a journal prompt for today or let me know your thoughts in the comments!

If you want to explore this further, reach out and schedule a free call today!

NamaStay Happy



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Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


Lessons learned from “Kitchen Nightmares”


Re-connecting to my True Self