Lessons learned from “Kitchen Nightmares”

There are lessons and gifts in everything. In this post, I am touching on what I got out of watching kitchen nightmares. The essence is that change starts from within, if you want to create long-lasting effects in weight loss, your career, your relationships, or anything else, you have to start working on yourself and your inner beliefs first.

Recently Kitchen Nightmares was the background noise of choice when working.
Fun fact about me: Yes, I am one of those who need to listen to sounds in order to focus, it actually provides a kind of an “office” surrounding for me, hearing chatter and voices. Normally, I tend to listen to playthroughs of various games, but recently Gordon Ramsay kicking a** of restaurant owners really stuck with me, and here is why.

Even though I barely follow what is happening, two things struck me:

1. No matter how bad a situation may seem, you can change it around!

2. If you are willing to change, even the most stubborn people can achieve great things. What matters most is your mindset and belief that you CAN!

The series really provides you with great examples of nothing is impossible and showcases the fact that change has to start from within.

Whether in private life, in relationships with others, or in your career.

It always starts from within.

What are some learnings that you got out of different series or movies?

Would love to hear them!

NamaStay Happy


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Josi Dumont

Leadership & Mindset Coach, Author, Podcast Host


“Seek first to understand”


I Am. I Can. I Will. End of Story.