Josi’s Blog

Welcome to my blog! This is where personal growth meets actionable insights. Dive into thought-provoking articles that challenge you to take ownership of your life, rebuild self-trust, and navigate the ups and downs of both entrepreneurship and personal development!

Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

The role of emotions in goalsetting (and getting)

“When it comes to setting and achieving goals, many people focus on the mechanics of goal setting, such as creating SMART goals and developing action plans. While these strategies can be effective, they often overlook an important aspect of goal achievement: the role of emotions (yes, dear fellow overachievers out there: feelings)

Emotions are powerful drivers of behavior, and (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

What I believe to be true about happiness

“(…)But what is happiness actually, and how do we get it?

As per ChatGPT it is “like a warm puppy snuggled up on your lap, wagging its tail with joy”. This a definition I found very fitting, so we keep it. When I asked it how to get it, I wasn’t as happy with its answer, yet really liked this part: “Happiness is not a destination, but a journey, so enjoy the ride!” (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

Sleeping hacks for better ZZZs

“(…) In two days it is World Sleep Day! So what better time to share some of my favourite sleeping hacks with you, so you can get some high-quality Zs in?

There are many reasons why we spend around a third of our lifetime in dreamland. It not only helps us recharge and be ready for a new day ahead, but we also need to give our body time for general maintenance after all the work we put it through during the day, it affects our mood, ability to focus, and perform at our best as well as to keep us simply sane. (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

And then I got certified…

“(…) Even though this may just be a written or official confirmation of me being a coach (which I do know I actually was born to be) it is at the same time a symbol for me for having done all of the above and more.

Most importantly I have grown as a person, I have found my purpose, and now I get to live my purpose by helping others do the same or more whilst being unapologetically themselves and extra authentic (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

Celebrating Role models - create your Being Tag

“ (…) We were then asked to coach from that energy to truly experience how it can change our current view of doing and being. I truly loved the exercise and it highly aligned with my strong belief that we have to be an energetic match for what we desire. Whether that is in terms of evolving as a person, manifesting job opportunities, or money. For whatever we want in life, we have to align our energy, and our being with that new state. Once we believe we can be that way, we will change. (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

The treasures of “Big Magic” from Elizabeth Gilbert

“This truly is a go-to book for me when I feel low on creative energy or when I just need a reminder of how powerful it feels when stepping into my creativity (in whichever form or shape).

It certainly is not only for artsy people, but truly anyone who wants to create in any, or better, their own way. May it be writing, speaking, painting, crafting, designing, cooking, baking, planning, playing, (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

Employee Appreciation

“03/03/2023 is “Employee Appreciation Day”!

The purpose of this day is to celebrate employees and their hard work and dedication to their job. This obviously shouldn’t be restricted to one day only, but rather be practiced on a consistent basis on the go!

In this article, I want to highlight what impact genuine appreciation can have on employees, their work ethic, and job satisfaction as well as the impact when they do NOT feel appreciated and seen for the work they put in day and day out. (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

Metta Meditation March

“Metta meditation, also known as loving-kindness meditation, is a type of Buddhist meditation that cultivates feelings of love, kindness, and goodwill towards oneself and others. - Join us in our Metta Mediation March challenge to create more loving kindness in this world!”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

Stepping into your power

“The intention of this short but spicy article is to help you understand that

1. you have all the resources you need to make this one life the best one possible already within you

2. Even if you may have not yet truly experienced those powers, you CAN unlock them

Stepping into your power means that you realise that you are absolutely capable and that it (whatever IT is) is possible for you too (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

My current take on self-love

“(…) In the spirit of Valentine’s Day and to send some love to those who need it, I wanted to write about the journey of self-love I have been on in the hope it may give spark something for anyone who ever reads this.

The topic of self-love was something I did not put much focus on for years and years. To be completely honest I think I only truly started thinking about the topic when I moved to Finland back in 2017 (that’s over 5 years ago at the point of writing). Moving there was like going on an adventure all by myself and my cat in a different country, and with that also going on an exploration of my “self”, learning to be with myself and my own company, and falling in love with individuality (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

Love, sun & street-food

“(…) The time went by in a blast, yet I stretched out each and every moment of it for as long as possible, to feel all there is to feel and to just be and exist. With little to no internet access on my phone and no work commitments, I got to truly take in the softness of the sand on Maya beach, be stunned by the colours of mother nature, and feel the sunshine on my skin (…)”

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