Josi’s Blog

Welcome to my blog! This is where personal growth meets actionable insights. Dive into thought-provoking articles that challenge you to take ownership of your life, rebuild self-trust, and navigate the ups and downs of both entrepreneurship and personal development!

Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

How to activate your inner guidance - in 3 steps

“(…) I am certain the voice is there, in all of us. Some may call it your future self or higher self, intuition, gut feeling, or ancestors giving you advice. It is all correct, use whatever resonates most with you. I am also certain that thanks to societal and external pressures we have learned to be masters in ignoring this inner guidance. (…) Where would it lead you, what would it suggest you do, and do you have the courage to follow it? (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

Be open to seeing the good in the bad

“(…) If we go at it from a mindset of “well it wasn’t meant to be”, we let go of certain expectations and are open for something better to happen. (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

Is quiet quitting blocking you from great new opportunities?

“(…) what it got me thinking about is this: If you are an employee who is quiet quitting due to feeling unhappy, demotivated, and negatively about the job you have right now and resigning because you want to get out only, and therefore not seeing a real purpose in the current work, are you potentially blocking great opportunities coming your way? (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

You are the captain of your ship and the master of your sea.

“(…)So the lesson here is, to accept that you play the biggest part in your life in terms of how it goes or how happy you are. Take responsibility and full control over your actions and decisions. You have all the power to change course today to get someplace new.(…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

Pushing limits physically and mentally!

“(…) The key to reaching your goals anyway is, to keep going, not give up, and to make it a habit, something you have to have in your life. Fitness and weightlifting are a huge part of my life now. It shaped and improved my mindset in so many ways and I will never again want to miss it.

Very often when talking to my coach during sessions we talked about my “gym mindset”. If I can apply this to anything else, for example, writing, I know I will be unstoppable. (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

Stop wasting time when it comes to your mental wellbeing

“(…) way too often we are stuck in this victim mentality that everything has happened to us and we can’t get out, we exhausted our options and there is nothing else we can do except for accepting it and push through, even if it costs us our mental, physical and spiritual health.

But we do need to understand this hard yet beautiful truth, that it is still down to us. (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

The leaps & risks I will never regret!

“Sometimes I need to remind myself of how many leaps and risks I have taken.More often than not it is others who are like:

“Damn you really did that? That’s amazing”

I used to just brush it off because it didn’t seem as big of a deal to me. But now I am realising and learning how proud I can be of myself for doing it.

For following my intuition, believing in myself, and trailblazing my own path on this planet. (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

3 key mindset tips that got me to where I am today

“(…) In short, go your own path by following your heart and be grateful for being able to do so.

Reminder at this point that more often than not, the only thing keeping us from doing this is our own limiting beliefs. (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

Why choose me as your coach?

“(…) Not only did I go through the official training and certification program with one of the best coaching training institutes (Co-Active Training Institute ) but I also bring lifelong experiences of out-of-the-box thinking and being to the table. (…)
With me as your coach you get to level up and reach your goals in a fun and light way. And if it gets tough, you have me by your side, always. (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

30 lessons learned in 30 years

“I turned 30 today, so here are 30 lessons I learned through life

1. Have the courage to go your own pat

2. Be loyal and patient, but also have boundaries

3. Love yourself first


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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

The joys of alone-time!

“(…) There is only one relationship we ever have from the moment we are born until we die, and it is the one with ourselves.

So, learning to be happy with who and how we are is crucial for our experience on this planet. Plus, if we truly learn to love and trust ourselves we can give and share equal love and trust to others. (…)”

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