Josi’s Blog

Welcome to my blog! This is where personal growth meets actionable insights. Dive into thought-provoking articles that challenge you to take ownership of your life, rebuild self-trust, and navigate the ups and downs of both entrepreneurship and personal development!

Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

Finding meaning in the journey

“(…) If you want to get out of this spiral, you got to learn to be happy now. Learn to enjoy the process and the work you put in. Then fully celebrate your accomplishments with the excitement of what’s to come next! (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

My 1 best tip to be forgiving, yet still stand up for your values

“(…) What is important to understand is that forgiving someone does not have to mean allowing them back into your life nor accepting their behaviour as being ok. It is simply an act of freeing yourself from them and the negative energy it brings to you. It’s an act of selflove and care and honouring your time and energy. (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

The beauty of reflecting

“(…) I have outgrown my baby shoes and am so proud to have chosen and gone this path.

And I am also proud for being a leap-taker, and LEANING IN 100% at that time instead of waiting. The growth, change, and healing that happened this year are immense. And I am so glad I did not wait any longer.

I am glad I stopped waiting, trusted my intuition, and started moving. (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

Struggling with making progress? Try trying.

“(…) Say yes to yourself and trying, fail fast, learn, keep moving, get closer to your goals and reach your dreams.

Stop braining about the perfect moment, the permission or when it feels right. (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

Benefits of mental fitness

“Mental Fitness is your capacity to handle life’s great challenges with a positive mindset rather than getting stressed or upset. Strengthening the core mental muscles will allow you to form new neural pathways to build new habits and shift your mindset (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

Celebrate and believe in your uniqueness

“(…) The beauty of diversity is in the difference, in being your true self. Accept yourself for who you are and be your unique authenticity. Self-acceptance, self-trust, and self-belief are key players in living a fulfilled and happy life, peace of mind, and better more meaningful connections (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

Change Starts From Within

“(…) This is not easy, but with the help of a coach, you will have the accountability buddy and extra push to keep you going. Retraining your brain takes time and consistency, but with my boot camp program, you will have the right structure and support to shift your mindset to where you want it to be in order to create long-lasting healthy habits and change (…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

“Seek first to understand”

“(…) Give her the space and time to explain herself, so you can truly understand. Then if she does ask for advice, you may provide her with ideas. However, don’t be attached to your advice if she doesn’t decide to follow it. Trust that she will find her way, and support where needed. This will not only improve your relationship with co-workers, and therefore team-effectiveness but also your communication with any other person you meet.(…)”

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Josi Dumont Josi Dumont

Lessons learned from “Kitchen Nightmares”

“There are lessons and gifts in everything. In this post I am touching on what I got out of watching kitchen nightmares. The essence is that change starts from within, if you want to create long lasting effects in weight loss, your career, your relationships or anything else, you have to start working on yourself and inner beliefs first.”

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